
Not in the nearly cartoonish way it was done on proceduarals and thrillers, but enhancement of an image has always been possible to a imited degree. For example, high-pass or low-pass filters can be applied to an image to remove noise and artifacts.

Honestly, just seeing the picture on its own, I would never have thought it was an endorsement of Trump. I could easily see a band in the 80's doing something similar with Reagan or Thatcher.

They had zero plan i the beginning.

Too bad they waited until that third season to do any long term planning, otherwise the series would not be the shaggy dog story it turned out to me.

A lot of people follow him because he's a baby with fascist tendencies and are fearful ro be out of the loop.

That's only because he believes he can exploit his position for much greater profits. Being greedy doesn't mean you don't understand the value of good will and short term sacrifice for long term gain.

Agreed, the writing has been noticeably better. However, the end of season 2 and season 3 is where BB really accelerated and became classic. I am hoping BCS has a similar ramp up in pace and character evolution.

See also most of the comedies other than Archer on FX.

Really? Defending Your Life?

In animation there is no inherent issue with dubiing. The translation could be bad, but it's not like live action where the actor's delivery is lost.


I know. On paper it sounds like something I might find hilarious, but it's all in the execution.

The show was just boring and they tried to pair it up with good shows like Sanders. Not sure why it was so unfunny. It just was.

Delores wasn't supposed to be Wyatt, but for at least one day Arnold made her Wyatt when she and Teddy murdered the entire town.

I don't believe MiB was raping Delores.

Oops. several great songs.

You meant to use "affect" and not "effect" in the first bullet point. I actually saw that in another article on here, not sure whether it was you or another, but I feel compelled to inform.

Again, you are going to have to be more clear. "higher possible dynamic range, lower noise floor, better SNR, better frequency reproduction" is simply not true for most digital files. CD's do NOT have the dynamic range of vinyl even if both are expertly produced. That is a baseless claim.

Slave to The Grind was an amazing album and had several songs. Very talented band.

Personally, I totally expected the reveal that the guy was her father, so I wasn't even thinking about who the guy on the line would be.