
Actually, I have not seen the film.

The movie suggests that the intelligence found through torture was what useful and important.

If you don't believe the core of BLM is a righteous cause, then you are a deplorable person.

No they have not. Don't get all your news from Facebook.

I forgot

I thought she had somehow given it to him during one of their meetings earlier in the season. He also knew where she worked.

"Issa still hasn’t actually apologized for anything she said to Molly and even on this call can’t seem to accept blame for what she did wrong"

The books are good and Dirk actually references in passing plot points related to the two books - he referenced a mysteriously stuck couch and Thor.

It's been a while since I last saw it, but I do not recall Deborah Foreman being in Real Genius.

I love Josie Cotton. That would have been a nation-wide hit if radio stations had not balked at the subject matter.

That's Yahoo Screen.

Agreed, although I don't understand why you even gave Man with a Plan a chance after Joey.

I just always looked at the shipping and decided how much I was willing to pay all said and done, Then I would bid my maximum payment and forget about the auction until it was over. If someone outbid me, then they are paying more than I would have anyway.

HRC is center is centrist at best and was promoted by the DNC. Bernie had huge populist support and was very popular with independents. He would have won more non-Deocrats than HRC.

That was the Democratic primaries. In the open election he would have performed better than Hillary. To think otherwise is ludicrous.

American slavery is a bit unique. Also, it's certainly possible that knowledge of a legend may have been know beyond the region where it is commonly known..

The statement istelf is not inherenty racist, but as you said, taken in a broader context of one's words, it may easily be seen that way.

As an actual liberal, I am not a fan, but I still think she's worlds better than Trump. The D's just fell into that pivot to the center, maintain the status quo attitude once again like idiots. Bernie would have creamed Trump.

Do you believe white men get called racist when they are not saying racist things or acting racist?

Yeah, except that does not happen except in the paranoid worlds of fragile white men.