
They essentially had to rewrite the episode last minute. They did not expect America to lower the bar so far as to allow elect a completely unqualified candidate.

I own a special edition on DVD

The Dark Backward is a classic.

I still like Joe Jackson, or really I love I'm The Man, like Look Sharp, and am indifferent to or hate everything else I have heard.

Only in your delusional paranoid fantasies. Just stick to Your alt-right neonazi sites.

"many people who look to attribute all conflicts to prejudice, but go silent when there's no white party on whom to place blame"

There's a difference in meaning between latino and hispanic as used by the population at large?

It's a long history of colonization. Very few native people's anywhere don't have the blood of some conquering "explorers" and/or "pioneers" in them. They were a Spanish colony for centuries. And Chinese.

Filipino are asian and hispanic.

The people complaining would be stupid anyway as she is inhabiting a body. It could be the corpse of an 8 year old girl or a dude.

I would only caveat that by saying "most". Some are, although they usually won't be in a brothel or on the street.

I am not sure if you are just referring to hour-longs or sit-coms as well. Mom is good. Not sure what it's ratings are. Limitless was great, but hardly most watched. Supergirl was on CBS last year, lathough not this year. Those are the only prime-time shows that I can think off the top of my head that I watched or

I was a science nerd in high school when the original aired, and couldn't watch because of the "acting" of the lead. Seeing Kelsey Grammar as Side-Show Bob a few years later accurately sum up my feelings about the show and the actor was cathartic.

Where did you get this? I assumed 13 episodes at least.

This is probably hopeless, but you should really give the rest of Ace's album a listen (in particular the first side). It is by far the best of the solo albums.

That wasn't needed at all. He never had a serious chance of winning in '08 and his chances went from slim to none after selecting Palin.Obama was a master campaigner, but the D's could have run virtually anbody in '08 and won.

Actually, I do not believe it was until after the invasion of Iraq had started that he started to lose it.

The strongest material on his albums has always been the original or the style parodies. On Poodle Hat he does an amazing Zappa style parody with Genius in France

It's not semantics. OJ was acquitted. Is he 100% innocent? No. You can say a lot of things, but you cannot say that.

He said Anne Frank would have been a Belieber and egged some neighbor's house. He's been a pretty big douche.