
More specifically, my point was that you cannot conclude someone is 100% innocent simply because they are found not guilty,

The principle is good. No one has said otherwise. Theory means shit if it's not implemented and enforced. We need justice reform in this country.

Theoretically, our system is set up that way. In reality, and historically, if you are poor and/or a minority, it has not worked that way.

That is not a unique case, it is the way our system is set up, although to be fair, in our system innocent are more likely to be found or plead guilty to crimes they did not do rather than get off. Only people with lots of money tend to bend the results the other way. People who are found not guilty in the US, are

So in your world, OJ Simpson is 100% innocent of murdering both Nicole and Ron Goldman?

Sorry, I thought you were one of the people to whom I originally responded. The people I attacked personally did misrepresent what I said.

No, it isn't. It's clear you don't understand how the legal system works. No one is ever found innocent.

I haven't made an argument. I do not disagree with any of your statements. I have not assumed she's guilty.

When several people respond misrepresenting you position to make obvious points, it's a little annoying.

Don't misrepresent what I said so you can make an obvious and easy point.

(1) Nothing I said contradicts presumption of innocence. The police totally railroaded her. Nothing I said contradicts that. Nothing I said suggests she should be presumed guilty.

What is it with reading comprehension around here? I will use small words so you can understand - I was responding to a person who said she was 100% innocent. I do believe she did not do it as I have said elsewhere herein. Those are separate ideas.

No f'ing kidding. Your statement is a non-sequitor to what i wrote. Are you able to read comments in context or do you need everything spoonfed to you?

Actually, wasn't he an immigrant as well? That probably contributed too.

Because there's a long history of such actions and because of her general attitude.

She is most likely innocent, but you cannot say 100%.

I believe you answered your own question.

The fact that she accused a black man to take the heat off herself.

I think we can all agree she is a privileged cunt who should be shunned, but she does not appear to be a murderer.

When did he say that>?