
? The third Season's of TNG and DS9 were when those shows started to get really good (although DS9 was decent out of the gate)

I believe it was closer to 100 years between TOS and TNG. Maybe 70 years after ST VI

Africa has been the Toto song since at least the mid-90's. People who like it, are people who like 80's compilation albums.

I think each episode will focus on one aspect of the clusterfuck.

There are some details we did not have before, but the fact that the next season was going to be about Katrina was announced during or shortly after the first season aired.

I'll second the Addams Family movies and the first Men In Black film.

I always hated when an otherwise academic class made us do shit like dioramas. I never had my parents help me with my homework, but when it came to dioramas, I just described what the teacher was looking for to my mother and had her do it.

No, but that did not stop it from being great.


"You know, I always just think I bump back into them" - What's particularly English about that sentence?

What an oppressed life you must lead.

The quotes from the books are funny.

I was with you until the end. I do not believe the GJI writer was dinging Swartzelder. Some of the commenters her have.

Sorry, I do have to respond to this.

If the people in that picture aren't Amish, they all deserve to be punched repeatedly in the face.

The Execution of All Things is their best album.

I just want to echo and reiterate, if Netflix is listening, please call Rob. Please.

Tropic Thunder, Something About Mary, and Permanent Midnight are all great. Not a big Zoolander fan if that's what people are referring to.

I haven't seen that one. But a lot of people have said that Flirting with Disaster is so funny and I did not laugh once through the whole movie
(the line about no one actually owning a white ford taurus made me smile as I actually owned a white ford taurus at the time.

Funny and directed by David O Russell are incompatible things to expect in a movie