
I almost posted that Marvin from Superfriends was probably under 60, but close.

I assume you might be aware of this, but Splash is single-handedly responsible for 99.9% of Madison's born since 1985 (or a year after the movie came out, whenever that was). It was virtually non-existent prior to that. I find stuff like that interesting.

I have not read all 176 comments, so this may be redundant, but if the issue is paying for freelancers, a weekly page for the commentators for unreviewed shows would be better than nothing. Prior to coming here for the reviews, I used to read the dedicated Mad Men talkbacks on AICN, a longer form essay type review is

I believe each fall they give a list, but as sows are introduced after that you have to read the advance review. At the end they announce whether a show will be covered.

The single major draw for me is weekly episode reviews. To the extent the shows I watch are not covered the less time I will spend here. I am often behind on many shows so I read the reviews weeks later. I also read old reviews for shows I watch much later (e.g., I did not start watching Breaking Bad until 2013 but I

On Golden Blonde is a real 80's porn movie.

You could excise two thirds of the Lost series and not lose anything, which is my biggest problem.

Lost, even during the seasons it was good, was much better at crafting a great episode rather than long-form storytelling.

And it's equally clear that the government gets to decide which arms are allowed (unless you want people running around with nukes). The amendment never uses the word "gun".

I saw Blood Simple once and have no recollection of either the Four Tops song or the I'm A Believer song. I have not seen a Serious Man. I have seen the Bg Lebowski several times, but do not remember the Man In Me song.

And your point is?

It sounds like the Four Tops song is in this one.

He wrote those early comics and they would not be the iconic characters they are today without Stan's contributions. If you look at what any of the artists did writing themselves, it always paled compared to what they did with Stan.

Since he did co-create all those characters, yeah he does.

Actually per the language, a majority may be as little as 34, but I see your point. That's a reasonable interpretation. However, if the full Senate voted and it was 50-50. How do you think they would break it, or there simply would be no VP. Filling the Pres and VP positions is not the same as SC justices. There has

I have two. the one on which I orginally posted was the one I set up on this club prior to the AVClub adopting Disqus. I also had a Disqus account prior to the AVClub adopting Disqus. I would be very happy if they were merged.

Thanks for the info. I was not going to bother posting, but I definitely heard Somebody told me long before Mr. Brightside.

If any of the bands on that list are danceable punk, International Noise Conspiracy was. Maybe "Dance-punk" has a definition that is non-intuitive, but it is highly danceable and more strongly punk than any of the listed bands.

Has it? Crazy does not seem to stop women if fame and fortune are involved.

Similarly, I have always argued that the Recording industry has claimed but never made any sort of convincing argument that digital piracy has directly hurt their business. I do not believe it has because I think for every sale lost, new sales are made by people like me and you who find new bands through these