
Doesn't Paul Downs write for the show?


In a number of such shootings, no. But there have been cases where people had to go to several stores to find a place that would sell them weapons. It would help identify the places where kooks acquire their guns.

"“Mississippi Queen” sounds kind of crummy even when Mountain is playing it."

First, false. Most mass shootings are done with legally acquired weapons.

"The Jennings" does not need pluralizing (and I may have just made that last word up), it is fine unaltered. Referring to the stuff belonging to the Jennings is either Jennings's or Jennings' depending upon your preference.

"The female director, Harron, and female co-writer, Guinevere Turner, see something in this material that possibly eluded Ellis: At heart, murderous yuppie protagonist Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) is pathetic. "

Please, go ahead. If at any time in the distant past, it was, it sure is not now and has not been for awhile.

Good article.

Suss out is not London street slang. Not sure where you have lived or been, but it is a not uncommon phrase in the US.

There's a difference between a local sign and a nationally broadcast show. Any other bit that's done like this, they blur or redact the contact information.

(1) I was ready to write this off, but her producers should have removed the phone number
(2) Nobody has called her "Titty" before - Bullshit.

For rational, intelligent people who would not consider voting for third party candidates, HRC is the only choice. I will probably vote for Jill Stein, but I also live in a safely blue state. If my state was more of a toss-up, I would consider holding my nose and voting for HRC, especially since she has been forced to

Don't equate D's with liberals. I turned Green in the 90's because of Bill and in her time as Senator and Secretary of State I never saw her do more than pay lip service to some liberal ideas (and barely that).

She's made conservative comments here and there since the first seaon.

Where's this week's review?

I always thought Scar was a bit of reference to the last days of Starbuck in Galactica 80

Limitless was the best show on CBS last year. Sorry to see this go.

Morel Orel, The Big Lebowski, The Hangover (and I admit the Rachel Harris character as cartoonishly over the top and still a cliche), and American Psycho, the novel are all good (the first two being great)

What myth?