
Nobody on this thread singles out Apple as being particularly bad.

The markups have to do with exploitation in that the extra revenuses generated from those mark-ups are not shared with the workers.

Apple is not at the forefront of worker protections and trying to raise humane levels. JObs never gave a shit, Tim at least appears to, but as of now they do not seem to be doing more than any other tech company.

The present world. Women do find it inspiring.

I wasn't sure if you were one one of those people who talk about how great the poor have it nowadays, as if cheap electronics makes up for a loss of income.

Youth tend to turn out in larger numbers in presidential elections

And that matters why?

Jeremy Corbyn is no radical and actually supports labor.

Whoa. Graham Norton has a better show than the American late night hosts. I would not include him in the stupidity listing.

Each episode of any quality or literary series and each chapter of any literary novel will have it's own shorter narrative arc.

"The woman who played Claire" How dare you insult the great Molly Ringwald!!!

The Affair is a great show. The only time I was really bothered by the narrative shifts were in the last couple episodes. Most of the differences prior to that could easily be explained by perspective and focus and interpretation.

Is Rocko's Modern Life one of the cartoons they are thinking of reviving.

Wasn't it one girl and he did not know her age.

Not the words at the party, so much as his behavior - taking the glass from Twain, briefly referring to himself as the servant class, etc.

I wonder if Brandon has revised his opinion of this epsiode in view of wht happens in the series. I thought that this was a very well written episode overall.

I make vanilla soy milk white russians so I don't end up on the shitter..

Actually now that you say that, I am reminded of the whole confederate flag hubbub recently. I see your point.

Actually reactionaries generally imagine they don't exist and tend to whitewash the problems of the past.

The last two yes, The second is just an old saying; not sure where you are quoting it from. The first, I have no idea.