
Yes. I realized that since it was produced by the artists themselves, it might be a bit sanitized, but I was hoping it would still be good.

I was comoletely unaware of the Cap'n Crunch thing. I may have to try it.

A fail on all counts.

Wow. I totally support Amy here, but you need to chill. Absent other evidence, there is no reason to assume that the original statement was a threat. As Trumpkin stated, he may have been actively mocking the pro-gun position.

Who the fuck is pressuring the Smithsonian? Is it art created by Cosby. My understanding is, it's a collection of African and African-American art. Why does Cosby's despicable behavior mean art will be taken away from the masses?

Silence of the Lambs was and is incredibly overrated. It was a good movie, but nothing spectacular.

Don't forget thise Home Alone films.

O'Hara's had a pretty decent career. Martin's roles have been more spare.

I assume the explosion was not caryoon logic, but a deliberate covering of tracks by the fleeing criminals.

If I had to guess, Ramone sounds vaguely hispanic and the Romantics were hispanic with two big hits. I don't know. I was a huge ramones fan, but that was afte seeing the videos for Rock n roll high school and rock n roll radio on MTV in 81-82. I was primarily a metalhead, but I loved those guys.

This is not same name, but growing up and going to my suburban hughesian high school in the 80's, a lot of times when I brought up the Ramones, other kids would assume I was talking about the Romantics.

Their politic weren't nearly as icky as those of their fans.

What happened? Did they catch fire?

I do not know that they need to be ignored for the return to BC to work. Those strips received their own hardcover editions from IDW like the original BC strips.


If you had simply said Blue and Pinkerton, I could see it, especially if you measure disappointment realtive to those albums. Thise are their two best by a mile. However, if you are counting the most recene, I would say Green, Red, and Death to False Metal are all excellent albums. The rest are all decent.

Every album by Weezer has been good.

This show needs a weekly reviewer.

Yes you would, and your point would be?

The actual first praise-worthy item listed was its vehicular stunts. I see you conveniently drop that.