
He showed him Sebastion going full Zombie and killing the scientist the new guy was replacing.

I don't think the Clash was an influence. I believe that punk bands had an influence on the NWOBHM generally, but Dianno was the only member with a punk ethos. Harris was the primary songwriter in the early years.

Or a Clash cover.

By the way, I am not condemning the artists. Many were true fans of R&B and Blues and many were talented. I responded because rock music is often perceived to be invented by whites because of the music industry's discriminatory practices and that is a sad legacy. Many of the black artists have been forgotten by most.

From a Modern Perspective a man like Ferdinand Lyle comes across as flamingly gay.

Maybe you could try reading what I wrote. I was referring to the two-hour interview (promo piece) he gave and his subsequent articles.

the presence of particular genese rarely = X-trait manifesting 100%. It's always some combination of genes and environment that produce the final entity - the phenotype. Environment also plays a role to a greater or lesser extent, but it plays a role.

I think she just overheard her praying out loud.

She was on the phone with the people who showed up at the end. The same ones that recruited her early in the season.

Neither (A) nor (B) are encompassed by the term itself. I agree that both those things are bad, bit ending up in the Friendzone is just a reality some times and not inherently good or bad.

I assume the reviewer was deliberately trolling (or in terms of Newsradio - "Geek Check"), although if not a fan of science fiction, may have simply misattributed.

To be clear, MRA people are\ assholes, but when did Friendzone become something sexist and how are those perceiving it that way interpreting the term?

Oh, now I see. It appears we both misunderstood the other, me first.

But quite a few nerds like that already existed was my point.

I don't think he inroduced it so much as captured on film a representation of some nerds.

I was working on a similar theory, but I like yours. What do you think about the League offshoot (including their own Lazarus pit) under Ras' old comrade? Was this all lies and misdirection?

Absolutely. That's what I was trying to describe.

I don't know. The whole Juliet arc has been terribly disappointing. Let's have her act crazy for no apparent reason.

It's a better show.

Z channel was not public access.