
The box you are talking about is the old cable wired remote control and had nothing ton do with Z channel specifically. It's just that among the stations on that cable service, Z Channel was included.

Actually, ignore my last statement. I do not believe terrestrial radio in the USA pays any royalties.

GnR and Metallica are two of the best hard rock and metal bands of the 80's (and sadly not the 90's)

Twisted Sister are great! No irony.

While it's clear they do terrible things, it's no worse than what the CIA did at the time (and still does). They are just agents for their country.

As pointed out by others, didn't they say that they found alot of bodies on the farm including a number of the missing kids. The chief was using the property to cover up the brain eating operation.

All similes are metaphors. Your English teacher side could use a refresher.

You are correct.

It's a 13 episode show, just like Community. Gillian won't be too busy.

They should just release a Yiddish FAQ for people. I don't know when I picked up Yenta, but it was early 90's at the latest, probably from Stern or Seinfeld.

Pete was fucking around constantly. That's part of the reason she wanted to move to the suburbs in the first place.

Cool. Still a great show.

Next Season - Archer A-Team

Thank You. I had this nagging feeling I started watching this show because of Goss, but I could not remember why. I watched Significant Others first.

I remember this show and I liked this show.

Jackson Browne. Emblematic about everything shitty in 70's rock.

I see a lot of whiners here. I am not on Twitter because I am not an asshole, but that is one of the funniest series of tweets I have ever read.

Phil's behavior in Some Friggin Fat Guy is horrendous. and some of his behavior (particularly in the wedding episode) has been bad.

Right, but three groups of four is not the tricky part. The tricky part was that the odd man out could be heavier or lighter and I had to think through multiple iterations until I arrived at something similar to Dave's post.

Could not disagree with this review more. Not A material, but much better than D.