
I generally agree with your statement Too bad anyone who uses the term SJW non-ironically reveals themselves to be an idiot.

The author refers to the late 90's early 00's as the nadir and maybe it is. But Scream Queen has meant campy fare since at least the 80's.

Wow. Thanks.

Can I actually get a copy that isn't some post to Youtube though?

Recipe for Hate was in fact my starter album, but I would say it's one of their weakest efforts w/ Brett Gurewitz.

No Control is my favorite Bad Religion album.

One of my all time favorite bands. I still haven't heard Into the Unknown. American Jesus was the first song I heard by these guys back in my early 20's.

I have been Dre.

Two issues I have with that

My understanding is that requirements at private schools were (legally) lower than public school. You have to have a Masters to teach at NY public schools. Most parochial schools do not require that of their teachers.

There's a difference between reporters expressing their opinions and outright distortions and bias.

There 's a difference between bias and opinin. The reporters evaluation and informed criticism should be part of the news.

Great show. Best Fox sitcom by a mile.

The Ray and Shoshanna scenes were my favorite parts of the episode.

One's a city and one's more suburban, but they are pretty close geographically. Enough that I would live in SF if I ever work in PA.

Actually, Columbo was the always the reference point I used for this show. Much more than Holmes.

They would outright tell you or show you what happened on many episodes. The mystery usually was not the point; rather, it was how Monk would solve it.

"non-genre fantasy" really? I am not saying that is not a term that is used, but it still rubs me the wrong way. Either all fantasy is genre or it isn't. If by saying it is non-genre, you mean it has literary value say that instead. the vast majority of non-genre fiction is shit. About the same percentage as genre

But they still hold up much better than Eddie.

They have been shown on cable. Not sure currently.