
My first favorite band was Rush and while I did not listen to them much at all during my 20's, they are a band I still come back to in my 40's.

I was going to upvote this, but then you had to insult Archer, Adam Reed's best show.

hahahhahahahahaha. McFarlane can (and has) shit out funnier cartoons. Not terrible, but it will never approach mediocre Simpsons, let alone its golden years. Maybe America is just getting dumber.

Since all the other answers are jokes - American Dad. New episodes air Mondays. It was by far the best show that was airing on Fox's Animation Domination Sunday Nights before they gave it to TBS

We are Men was pretty good.

What she did as a 7 year old was perfectly nromal. I would have to read the book regarding the masturbation or the sister kissing but that may or may not be creepy depending on context.

I have seen every episode. I still do not get it. I know she covered this song, but John Teti seems to be unaware that it's a cover. If he is, and his response is meant to be a joke, I do not get it.

It appears to be nothing more than a paryisan right-wing hack job.

And again, there is absolutely nothing disturbing or wrong about this. It's normal kid behavior and it's quite clear her sister had stuffed her own vagina with pebbles.

It's a memoir and anecdotes. It is a collection of her experiences. She is very self-aware.

Normal youthful behavior, yes.

Nothing she did in the book was molestation. Kids are curious. Her behavior was normal. If she had been a teenager or older, it would have been an molestation.

"Marnie will manage to craft new lyrics that match exquisite morsels of season-three wisdom like “Religion is a smile on a dog."

My introduction was Newsradio. Watched it from day 1 due to being a big fan of both KITH and Phil Hartman. Had a huge crush on Lisa Miller.

Thank You.

They are not saying being pretty is not something to praise, but in context it's bad. A scientist's looks have nothing to do with their talent. If it were sexiest spokesmodel or something I do not believe there would have been issue.

Thank you.

I am registered with the site and there are no community grades as far as I can see.

Phew! I am not the only one.

Where are the community grades? I thought they stopped those a couple years when they changed the format (they also [apparently] dropped the follow options at the same time).