
It is always the issue with satirizing/parodying bad TV/movies/plays - often times you just end up creating something bad.

Why'd they have to make Mulaney a multi-cam? That pilot was so horrible, It was like an episode long sketch about a horrible sit-com. Does it really get better (and by better I mean watchable)

Any episode of Dads was better than than the pilot. I will give a few more episodes a try, but the pilot of Dads was nowhere near as off-putting.

That was a suggestion. There was no turn and nothing unexpected happened.

Thank God, I'm not the only one.


I have only seen the original, and I did not like it.

Honestly, I liked Kill The Moon mainly for scenes between Clara and the Doctor, but please tune out when they discuss the changing mass of the moon and what's causing it. It breaks all suspension of disbelief. None of the other episodes this season have ever taken me out of it like that.

Most of the differences seem to be believable,especially if the character's versions have not been challenged and they have been forced to reconsider what they remember.

DC said they had plans for him. What those plans are or if that was a bullshit excuse, I do not know.

Agree with TMBG, Morrison, and Pynchon.


Good show. Would have bee better if it had ended after two seasons.

Actually, Everybody Loves Raymond was good, it just did not have nearly enough material to last 9 US seasons and was cannibalizing itself more and more after the second season.

Dammit, I would have bought some just for collector's purposes.

(1) As a 44 year old who grew up ina world of entertainment afraid to use actual products in its movies and television shows for fear of being sued, I was happy to see the rise of product placement at the end of the 80's. I was tired of all the BS look-alikes used.

If it takes you out of the narrative, it's not pedantry.

I remember much better than this show. Of course, I am 6 years older than Adam, but still. Have they ever referenced in show that the narrator is unreliable or that he may have some of the events wrong?

"an episode which opens with Adam and Barry covering Twister Sister’s 1984 single, “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” shifts to Bev getting primed for the 1981 wedding of Charles and Diana, and then jumps to Erica and Lainey, beside themselves with excitement as they wait for MTV to play the video for the Bangles’ “Eternal

Exactly what I said.