
And nowhere did I excuse or justify his behavior. My response was into the reviewer's apparent puzzlement as to Thackery's behavior, which is easily understandable. if you know what motivates them.

It was never my impression that Thackery was racist or disliked Edward, but that he was being pragmatic in that he did not want all the troubles that would accompany such integration. Now his pragmatism n large part comes from a place of privilege and entitlement, but that is not the same as racism. However, last

I'm just curious, because I do not exactly follow your nomenclature here. What do X and Y represent. I myself had betting strategies for first and second place contestants depending upon scores. If first was more than double 2nd, it would bet just enough to be a $1 more if 2nd place bet it all and got it and I missed.

Costa Rica is known for sex tourism.

Hated that movie.

As bland as Carson always seemed hosting his shows, he has always seemed willing to make fun of himself and to be the butt of the joke, which could make this show good.

Jewel Shepard, I definitely had a thing for her small breasted body in high school - Hollywood Hot Tubs and especially Christina on Friday After Dark on Cinemax.

Most people remember the 45 Grave song from the soundtrack "It's Party Time" or something like that.

This might have been slyly cutting 30 years ago.


"…or the show’s implication that a woman like Flo would have to have that kind of leverage over someone like Langham to get him to sleep with her."

I think she was referring to the daughter on the show.

I would argue this episode was Moffat's best.

I didn't argue the point, but I also don't agree the show was always about Danny and Mindy, although there was definitely stuff there from early in the first season.

100% agree.

It was so dragged out and stupid anything about the identity of the mother or who he was dating was so completely unimportant. They should have identified the mother by the beginning of the third season and then shown the hourney to marriage over the next few seasons. Introducing the mother in the last season was

I love it, but I liked LA Story and Groundhog Day better.

I juts think Mindy Kaling is very funny and me and the missus love that show.

OSC's problem was funding anti-gay groups, not his words per se.

American Dad >>> Bob's Burgers