
Perhaps there is deeper meaning, but I just took it as a joke that all the TV segments were in fact totally improvised.

'C'mon and Love Me' by Kiss is another song I like but "I'm a dancer/a romancer/she's a capricorn/and I'm a cancer" is also very stupid.

I like hard rock and I like bubblegum rock (The Raspberries, The Sweet, etc.) I love the Sweet. Their lyrics (I am not counting the songs on their first couple albums where chapman/chinn wrote all the songs) have mostly been OK, but never great. The one song that really makes me cringe is Fever of Love; it has to have

Rivers is still self-aware.

Holy Diver is not and never was the biggest hit of Dio's career. It's now become the song he's most remembered for (it's weird how that happens with a number of bands).

IF MP3 quality would improve I wouldn't be buying records and CDs. I may invest in a PONO

I know. I just believe most of those people have not listened to the more recent albums.

Every Weezer album (not every Weezer song) has been good.

You're talking about most art collectors.

Don't Forget 3 Is a Magic Number, although I would probably go for Interplanet Janet.

I like Boogie Nights and I like that scene in Boogie Nights, but Sister Christian is most responsible for ruining Night Ranger's career. They were a decent hard rock band before that and then one atypical song blows them up and out. Also see Foreigner.

Was this a serious question or an attempt at a joke. It's a comment on how the kids will likely be downplayed.


After Dookie, it was steady decline until American Idiot, which album (if not the song) was a great return to form.

I get some of what you are saying; when he reviews science fiction fillms sometimes he seems bothered by details that seem perfectly logical to me. However, the richness of his descriptions and the thoughts behind them always interest me. And when I do agree with him, especially about a crap film like Transformers,

It was almost universally slagged (and I say almost, because I am sure there are one or two that liked it, but I have never read such a review).

I do not disagree with most of this, but ReBoot is a classic. I knew a lot of 20 somethings like me at the time that watched that show. I assume this is the opinion of one particular staffer as I am sure at least one or two others agree with me.

You must not have read many books.

Tim Hunter.from the Books of Magic series Actually, Neil has come out and said he believes Potter is original enough for him and liked what Ms. Rowling had done with her character.

I have not read either, but regardless of their actual quality, the argument that something is for kids basically boils down to "they are ignorant and dumb and any untalented hack can entertain them" Good children's and YA literature should be enjoyable by adults.