
People had been doing that since the 2600, long before the first NES.

It's true.

That's basically what I was saying to you. Shut the fuck up about Polanski. The woman he raped has said as much. You do not speak for her.

People hate Hurley? I've been a fan since the beginning and I really like that album.

Only In Dreams was on Blue

Let it gooo.

I disagree. Even the woman he raped disagrees.

He wouldn't have skipped out if the judge hadn't indicated he was changing the sentence.

I say he's suffered enough.

That's sad.

So losing his parents in a concentration camp and having his wife murdered by a cult don't mean anything? Not being able to freely travel for the last 37 years doesn't matter? He made a mistake and you want him to suffer forever?

"just a metal band" Metal has a lot more breadth and depth than you imagine. Sap is great. Jar of Flies is kind of mediocre, but they are unquestionably metall.

All the Seattle bands were lumped in there together for awhile. The Singles soundtrack did not help.

I was 24 when their first album came out and to a greater or lesser extent I have liked every album since. I will say the first two are the best, But I love songs on every album they have released.

Being Born in 1970, I saw this album as a progression. I thought it was their peak. Badmotorfinger is great and Jesus Christ Pose may remain my favorite Soundgarden song, but overall this album was a creative peak.

One minor detail that annoys me is the way it is unmoored in 80's time seeming to float 7 years in time between one episode and the next.

I think you mean Andrew Oldham as it sounds nothing like the Stones version of this song.

Love the Soup Dragons, but they were not Brit pop and neither were all those crappy Manchester bands like Inspiral carpets

HTF are Ash considered Britpop. Is any British Pop from the 90's Britpop now? They are Power pop. They sound nothing like the other bands on that list.

I am sorry but the Taarna segment was not the best segment. The beter vignettes were the John Candy voiced boy transported to the other world, the cab driver segment, and the Captain on trial segment.