The SUV craze will probably last 2 years at best. People freak out over a tiny change in gas prices.
The SUV craze will probably last 2 years at best. People freak out over a tiny change in gas prices.
Fuck that. The PDK is sublime. It is awesome in its own way, there is nothing like clicking shifts off so incredibly fast under WOT
That’s a heck of a review coming from an inscription owner.
Yup. And then tell them the reason they don’t have that job anymore is because of women who resent them and self-castrating, overly sensitive men.
Where do I sign up for that?
I also suggest we ban Victoria’s Secret runway shows, ban all cheerleaders, ban car show presenters as well.
Was this really a big problem? These are models, that are contracted through a modeling agency, being paid.
I don’t really care, but this seems silly
Disagree. They are models and chose to be. What about:
When did jalopnik start telling me how to think and feel???
Can pause think about if this is a good idea? I know it messes with the feminist ideals. But will someone think of the models? What will they do now they are unemployed? Become a high-class escort to the oil money class? I dont think any of them have any skills outside of being ridiculously good looking.
Well, I want to say that married couples should share every jointly and keeping accounts separate from each other would be weird, but I guess we’re not talking about married people *shudder* only talking about “people who are living together but not actually married because they can’t handle commitment like grown ups”…
When I bought my car three years ago I could have paid cash, but instead financed it at 1.99%. Looking at my brokerage statements, that same money earned about 20% last year in the market.
Every time I spot a newer Buick, happens once every other month or so, I made sure I notice who’s driving. 97% of the time it’s a retiree.
Yes, a car is not an investment it is a sunk cost just like rent or your electricity bill. You have people carrying a balance on their credit cards at double digit rates which is far worse than a 4% loan.
You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’
40% refers to just the engine. I read that part of the article, I’m wondering if anything else from that car will make it into the production version.
I haven’t been in a Silverado in ages, but I think you may be on to something.
And GMC, of course. My knees are near the dash in my Sierra. The biggest thing that bothers me though is that door armrest is like two inches farther away from me than the center console armrest.