
I have been WFH since 2015 and love it. I also live between Phoenix and Central Oregon. What I make sure to do though I have an active and healthy social life. I go to a gym class three times a week with the same set of friends for 11 years now, and then weekly meetups for group runs and beers after. So, I get the

Well the people weren’t just throwing trash, they were also smacking their windows and trying to open the door. When surrounded by an angry crowd like that, most people’s first instinct would be to try to drive out of there as soon as possible (similar to this case involving a mob of bikers and a civilian):

So the cops are the ones burning the cars and buildings and looting the stores?

The police in your picture seem too be the calm ones .

Agreed, I have no problem with peaceful protesters and fully support their right to assemble, but once it turns into a riot the cops can turn machine guns on than for all I case. At that point they are no longer people but deranged animals hell bent on destruction and violence and the no longer deserve any protection.

Imagine being the cop. It must be horrifying. You start attacking cops, you aren’t protesting anymore you are just rioters that need to be dealt with. 

The police ramming these rioters don’t really bother me . There is a difference between protesters and rioters  .Protesters should be protected rioters need to be protected against . When a crowd attacks it can get real ugly real fast .

Government forced shutdowns due to pandemics aren’t typically treated as normal business cycle events under capitalism.

We should never prop up failing businesses with public money.

This. I really wish David or Andrew were writing all the content here. They seem to be the only balanced automotive viewpoints of the writing staff. Its like everyone else hates cars or car culture. I have always loved Jalopnik for its irreverence and counter culture attitude, but it seems like most of the writers

“In NYC, I would love to see many, many more streets taken away from cars and given to pedestrians and bikes instead.”

Sorry didn't vote for Trump don't like him didn't vote for Hillary Hitler either i went green party. Been to both NYC and LA prior to Covid19 and yes they are cesspools. Guiliani cleaned it up a bit then Cuomo screwed it up. I see you like to scream and cuss and make racist comments like redneck if it was the N word

Yeah we always have had such honest politicians. You can keep your doctor. I did not have sex with that woman.

Feel better now?

People breaking isolation orders, caring for the vulnerable in the community, stopping violent and gun crime, street racers and stunting on public roads, etc. Lots more pressing concerns than a guy going a tad fast on a wide open empty road. Most speed limits are draconian and laid down I  the 1960s anyways.

I mostly agree for street racers and extreme speeders, but speeding a little on wide open roads doesnt hurt anybody. Leave the minor speeding alone, there is a lot more pressing concerns right now.

So just quarantine forever?

If you wait until the conditions you describe arrive there will be no business’ left to open. Personally, I think we went about this wrong. We should have moved to protect the most vulnerable in our society and let everything else go on (mostly) as usual, in order to establish herd immunity. Swede has been successful

The thing is, the economy has to restart somewhere. Someone has to reopen and start paying employees again to get the ball rolling. If everyone goes “well I’ve got no customers today so it isn’t worth opening” this whole thing is gonna drag on a lot longer than it needs to.

Hauling loads of mulch? Horse manure? Tow ratings on vans are less than trucks, and contractors need to be able to tow equipment. For some contractors, you are correct, but not for everyone. It is just easier to throw dirty stuff in the bed of truck and hose it out. By the way, I have actually worked these types of