
Easy to play armchair quarterback after the fact isn’t it?

He probably would have done more sooner if there were no misinformation from China that was echoed by the WHO in January.

So, you think record low unemployment and increasing wages are bad?

Yeah, eight years was the magic number of years of anemic growth before 0bama’s policies FINALLY kicked in and created record low levels of unemployment, wage growth, etc. Do you smell what you’re shoveling?

I made no such claims. Go back to debate class.

Tell Jalopnik to do the same. They want to opine politically than so shall I.

Like when he barred people from China from coming into the states at the end of January? (or were you one of the people agreeing with the media/Dems that he was racist for doing that?)

Come on, you took a jab, you had to know you were going to get responses.

Some of us have health real health care. Just need to have the right job.

We got healthcare over here too, Augustin. It’s called Medicare and it kicks in at about 62 or 63. Luckily, I’ve been healthy most of my life until reaching my mid 60s and since then good old Medicare has been nursing me quite well.  I have no complaints.

I am most certainly not a Republican.

Now see that is just funny. You call me a snowflake and the guy above called me a boomer.

Wah. Another whiny Democrat.

Absolutely NOT TRUE. There has only been 3 times in the last few decades where the combined GM (Chevy and GMC) have beaten Ford in total full size truck sales. The last time was in 2015.

Yeah, Volvo is the pinnacle of reliability. Right. 

Why do you think Audi owes you a cheap wagon? If you want a “cheap” wagon, look at an Alltrack/Golf. Or an A4 Allroad. The previous A6 Allroad started at 42k in 2001. In 2019 dollars thats ~61k. Not that far off this new Allroad’s MSRP. So despite your outrage, I believe you’re wrong about the price. Just because YOU

1) Range declined at a rate much higher than expected. They acted with a range left reasonable to find a charging station. What is the exact range they should’ve started adjusting their plans czar of range management?

Actually, he’s 77, an old-school hot rodder who’s built well over 100 jaw-droppingly beautiful cars in his life and probably knows more about cars than most people you’ll ever meet. His cars routinely get trophies, and he still drag raced until last year (when his arthritis couldn’t take the g-forces of acceleration

What would you suggest he have done differently? It sounds like they tried to react best as possible.