

You’ll never convince a liberal that a union is bad because it combines some of their favorite things: giving up responsibility to someone else and redistributing wealth.

Which is pretty much what I already said. But you shouldn’t discount what it actually takes to get that 1.6 seconds. Likewise, there is a big gap in power and engineering between a 11.6 second car, and a 10 second car in the quarter mile. To most it’s not a huge deal because both are vastly quicker than most things

I don’t think you realize how big a gap 1.6 seconds is at those speeds.

Yeah but when you’re at those times already that extra 1.6 seconds is huge. Worth it to the casual racer? Likely not, but that extra time takes a ton extra engineering to achieve.

and in other news...Lincoln just figured this out and are actually going in this direction. Cadillac on the other hand, has no damn clue

Right, Q5 = basically jacked up A4 wagon (longitudinal engined MLB platform), Tiguan = jacked up Golf (transverse engined MQB platform).

To switch buyers brand allegiance you can’t simply be competitive, you have to be better, and not buy just a little bit here and there (magnetic over hydraulic), but completely better. Better looking, better performance, better reliability, better everything. That’s how the Germans and Japanese builders eventually

Please enough with this German shit. Cadillac will not get any traction as long as it tries to “take on the Germans”

obvious discomfort

Why isn’t the conversation that men need to learn not to take advantage of people’s obvious discomfort

Isuzu designed, GM built Duramax engines have proven to be great engines, so that would be ideal. The Ram’s VM Motori 3.0 ‘Ecodiesel’ has been a borderline disaster when it comes to reliability. And Ford has only just started to undo the damage created by a decade of terrible Navistar Powerstrokes.

So like the Duramax V8, it’s also secretly an Isuzu engine?

Kids think a lot of dumb things. I have 2 daughters. One is on her way to becoming a behavioral neuroscientist and the other a professional writer. Our whole family is super-feminist. I see no problem with grid girls. To tell women they can’t do any job is anti-feminist.

Why are there models involved with racing? Why are models involved with anything? And who are you to say what industries shouldn’t employ models?

Okay great. And? That means we should ban models?

Is there some kind of gun to the heads of these girls?

Women can give birth no problem, but holy shit do they get caught up in their feels easily. I thought 2016 was bad for Black Lives Matter, but now it’s half the damn country being pissed off over everything men ever do. Toughen up ladies, it’s not attractive being pissed off all the time.

The UAW helped destroy Detroit, now they’ve set their sites on the south.

isn’t 335 times equal to 33,500%? I think a CEO makes more than 3x what the average worker earns (300%). If you meant 300 times more, it should be 30,000%. If a generation ago, the CEO of my company only made 40% more than me (read, 1.4x as much, not 40x as much) I would Never consider becoming the CEO.