
I daily drove an s2000 in the NE as my only car for over 10 years. Would AWD be a nice option? Sure, but a seasonal set of Blizzaks or Conti DWS’s (awesome all-season, snow capable tire) and you can get along fine as long as you aren’t using your car as a snow plow.

Sorry for all the SoCal residents. I have family there. I’ve been asked time and time again to move from NY to SoCal but I won’t. Wildfires is something we never have to deal with in NY. I’ll take my chances with hurricanes over earthquakes, wildfires, and droughts, which are about to become a regular thing in

Also, I wonder how they decide who to survey. Do you have to opt in? Do dealers give them information? I know I’ve never gotten a thing in the mail from JD power asking me to rate my car.

I disagree, my Z71 Chevy pickup was absolute garbage with constant electrical gremlins.

Its subjective and not objective. People buying cheaper cars will have lower expectations.

Or perhaps more GM owners take the time to fill out the surveys than owners of Mercedes, Audi, etc. cars who thing they’re just a waste of time....

Aren’t there a ton of different classes that essentially every car wins the award they want? When GM says they won the award for one of their truck’s in the ads, it was in the class of 4x2, XX trim level, XX motor displacement, and new design in the past year?

I think JD Power could do a better job explaining why GM beats, for example, Mercedes, BMW, Audi in terms of ‘initial quality’. I’m assuming it’s weighted to people’s expectations + money spent, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense from the outside looking in.

Jesus go cry in your shitty Buick or whatever.

““That’s the one [automakers] would give almost anything to win,” Sargent says. “They take it extremely seriously.””

You are assuming that false charges are never filed as an organizing tactic. This is a routine and ancient playbook for unions. You are assuming Tesla has done what they are accused of, when you should be highly skeptical of these kinds of charges in these kinds of circumstances.

Says the guy who was equivocating a steel mill strike over a century ago to modern day...LMFAO.

They have, just not as recently.

Well you know what they say.

If you can’t see the point to his statement, then you’re the asshole.

Cue the hundreds of comments from people who have never actually had to work with a union (particularly the UAW) before.

Also, the idea that the NLRB in any way approaches an objective authority is a outright joke.

Worked for two unionized organizations in my life - can confirm the people complaining the most performed the least amount of work. Unions take a cut of my paycheck, defend the the co-workers whom don’t pull their weight, and prevent people from being promoted on merit anymore (all promotions must favor seniority).

The UAW has a bad wrap for a reason. They are notorious for over reaching beyond simple wages and conditions. They stipulate on hiring and firing of works based on criteria they make up not the employer. They do have a splitter group that worked very well in Spring Hill TN at Saturn the union work with the management

I was always for unions, but as I get older I see both sides of the story. In Education, really shitty teachers are virtually impossible to fire and take years to dismiss, after they’ve caused damage to so many kids.