Economic anxiety, Ambien, and now Alzheimer’s.
Economic anxiety, Ambien, and now Alzheimer’s.
Oh God. And now I can’t unsee Sarah Palin.
What about Tim Hardaway? He fit the star player/total asshole profile perfectly?
At the time, Parnas told the Miami Herald he had stopped paying because the team wasn’t living up to its end of an agreement that included a verbal promise to have a player hand him a signed team basketball at center court during halftime of a game in 2000.
He’s kind of like the Richard Sherman of the NFL in his wavering between smart, thoughtful, outspoken guy and complete asshole.
If dump is the last hope for white people, they have no hope for survival. And I hope that Sgt Roohr stays safe out there, because if he ever needs backup, it’ll be a long time coming; racist cops don’t like being exposed by their blue “brothers”.
You can say that again. And you did!
Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.
Of course, we all know that Lazy River ride at Six Flags is based on how actual nature works.
Holy shit the sarcasm recognition meter is at it’s lowest level in decades!
you probably have depression or social anxiety and that’s why you’re acting out online. that’s sad and I hope you find peace
Clemson just put up a billboard with 19,001.
Pssh...those babies aren’t innocent. They know what they did.
He’s been giving him boxing lesson since he was in utero
I had never encountered this until I moved to Pittsburgh. Now it’s just not the holidays without Yinzer Swedish Meatballs.
He should switch his accountant.
Your comment reminds me of my favorite scene from In Bruges;