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    It's almost like there's a huge overlap between fundamentalist Christians and white supremacists.

    Look, it takes a lot of hard work to inherit daddy's company when he retires.

    I certainly hope that's right, but am not so optimistic.

    You'd think so, but the Republicans refused to support infrastructure spending in the midst of America's worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression, all because it was proposed by a black Democratic President they wanted to fail.

    I figured he was talking about J. Jonah Jameson.

    Gee, you pal around with Nazis, suddenly no one wants to be associated with you except for other Nazis - and those GOP Senators and Congressmen scared of losing their primaries if they piss off the Nazis.

    150 comments, so without looking I bet I can make a joke about Emma Stone being Asian and it wouldn't have already been made 20 times so far.

    I've gotten that before too, which makes me wonder if they're just lying out of their asses, or a lot of Trump fans have really sick friends who are not just rapists but brag about it.

    And Geoff Johns has a long history of bringing back old characters from his youth to replace the newer ones who had initially replaced them; back when I used to take part in Warren Ellis' old forum at Delphi and then the other forums that grew up around it (and kept going for years after he closed his), a lot of

    In these future times, everyone has last names like "online", "wireless", "emoji" and "ohshsitwereallfucked".


    The only times Hal was interesting were when he went crazy, slaughtered the rest of the Corps to get all the power rings, and tried to reboot the universe; and when he was a ghost trying to atone for that as the new Spectre host. Then after he came back to life and had his descent into madness retconned as being

    While there were other reality shows beforehand, most notably on MTV and in syndication, Survivor was the first on American network television, and its' success lead to the explosion of the genre in the early 2000s.

    I just think of my grandfather, who died four years ago at 96 and ran an integrated summer camp in Virginia back in the 50s and 60s. My grandmother was right there with them, and both were very proud to vote for the first black President and strongly supported marriage equality; but sadly while she's still physically

    "Social Justice Warriors" is a moronic insult used by bigots against anyone who opposes bigotry, and is only used seriously by garbage human beings. No, opposing bigotry does not cause racist hatred of minorities at all; that makes no fucking sense.

    I'm talking about Congress, not the grassroots racists; so many of them have condemned Trump's statements, but so far are just all talk. And will probably continue that way as long as they continue to put reelection above the good of the country, and are more afraid of getting primaried if they dare move against Dear

    Yes, there's been proof of his racism for decades.

    He isn't a Southerner, but he is a lifelong racist despite being from New York City.

    Other than being banned, the only other reason I can think of for the cheating is to continue harassing people who have blocked his pathetic ass.

    Back; this is a different account, though one which is five years old despite first being used yesterday. Wonder how many sockpuppets this racist asshole has?