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    You'd think the personal lawyer of a President under serious investigation for colluding with a hostile nation in order to get unfair advantage in the election would have better things to do with his time than forward racist emails.

    At least the statues that Ramses II made were actually really stunning and beautiful. He's also known for negotiating the first known formal peace treaty in history.

    Here I thought the worst thing he'd done was release the plague of reality shows on American television.

    I do wonder how bad Trump will have to get before the Republicans in Congress will actually start doing something instead of just issuing sternly worded condemnations. Not even praising Nazis is enough; they've refused to hold hearings on the white supremacist rioting demanded by the Democrats.

    And nice of Tom Arnold to say he had video from that show of Trump using all sorts of slurs, but refusing to release it.

    It's almost like Dumb Donald is functionally illiterate.

    None of them were good people.

    But the only violence is being committed by those who want to keep the monuments to treason in defense of slavery up.

    He claimed to have been conflicted after he had gotten his ass beaten badly in the war and was trying to rehabilitate his reputation which ought to always have been as one of the lowest pieces of trash America ever produce; there's a slight chance he may have been a bit disingenuous there.

    Anyone who supports monuments to treason in defense of slavery is most definitely a racist; that isn't exactly a grey area.

    You must have missed all those actual Nazis beating up and even murdering counter-protesters last weekend.

    If you don't want to be called a Nazi, then why do you keep defending actual fucking Nazis?

    There are only violent reactionaries on the far right.

    Hahahaha. There are no communists anymore; get a brain, moran.

    This might shock you, but there are plenty of non-racist white people around; hating racists is very, very different from hating "whitey".

    Now be fair; he's been doing so ever since he became famous in the 80s, and even before that he was continually getting sued for refusing to rent to black people.

    I used to think that the only American whose death would make me as happy as that of bin Laden would be Dick Cheney. The last year has proven that wrong.

    Whoever says that must have a really fucking low opinion of men. And if you have friends that actually do speak like that, then they just might be guilty of sexual assault and belong in prison.

    But we still have people claiming that he somehow isn't one, and that all those women he groped without consent really wanted him to do so.