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    I'll miss everyone except the regular racism and misogyny apologists! And am sorry for being mostly absent the last couple days because I just started a new job.

    Since starting the Daily Caller back in 2010, Carlson's moved away from aping Will and pretending to be an intellectual reasonable conservative, instead going full white supremacist.

    You're sticking around to see what happens there, despite the comments being completely unreadable?

    It's still hard to believe; he doesn't look a day under 60.

    How does Jones have the gall to mock other people for being fat? Has he not looked in the mirror while ripping his shirt off lately?

    But they tried to keep the racism confined to dog-whistles that could be implausibly denied, not completely overt; plus since Breitbart was Jewish they didn't go in for the antisemitism and the rest of the overt Nazism.

    I'm just surprised that CNN hasn't offered him a position as a regular commentator.

    Don't make us promises you can't keep! I was hoping that meant he'd be releasing the pee tape in revenge.

    Arizona was the last state to recognize Martin Luther King Day, and only did so after the NFL took a planned Super Bowl away from them.

    It's nice to see the Nazis already turning on their Fuhrer now that he's fired Goebbels.

    Someone is actually creating jobs! For failed musician furries, but still, jobs.

    He'd order all the business leaders to form Voltron, right? That's just as historically accurate as the other story Trump tells about him.

    I must be lucky that there's not too many conservatives I'm connected to on facebook, and those to whom I am have been strangely silent on politics ever since Trump clinched the GOP nomination last year.

    And how the fuck is Dick Cheney still alive even after his heart stopped working?

    It was the all-purpose excuse in Catholic school for anything that didn't makes sense, "it's a mystery, and so you're not supposed to ask about it."

    Trump proves that the people of Gotham turning against Penguin in his run for mayor when Batman played the tape of him insulting them was actually unrealistic.

    Not just that, but "there would good people on that side", when 'that side' is actual fucking Nazis.

    I wonder what Reposted Wookiepedia Entries would have to say about this mistake.

    Unless that spending is on the military or going to my district!

    But I thought god was supposed to be perfectly good? That's something only a complete douchebag would do.