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    Really, the troll is actually daring to compare wanting to take down statues to the worst traitors in American history to the Taliban. Do you want to put up a monument to Al Quaeda at the site of the World Trade Center too?

    Next you'll be suggesting that the Viet Cong kicked America's ass!

    Ronald Reagan and the NRA itself supported gun control back in the late 60s, because of the Black Panthers, people who actually were arming for self-defense against government officials that truly were threatening them.

    And each of the traitor states' articles of secession made it very clear that they were trying to secede in order to defend and expand slavery, full stop.

    He doesn't drink because cocaine is his drug of choice; that makes people even more belligerent than alcohol.

    It makes sense when you remember that the President cannot read or write anything longer than 140 characters.

    Even though he's not a United States American, I'd put Toussaint L'Ouverture there too.

    It is true that there is only a certain amount of matter and energy in the universe, they cannot be created but only changed into different forms (including matter changing to energy and vice versa), and according to the second law of thermodynamics the amount of matter and energy in usable forms will always decrease

    Everything is a zero-sum game!

    It's normally considered gauche to put statues up of people who are still alive, or to name public works after them, unless they're horrible destructive shits like Ronald Reagan. How about a statue of Nat Turner or Malcolm X instead?

    These are people who insist that it's always wrong to call white people racist, no matter how extreme super-racist they are, they're basically denying that racism exists - unless it's black people protesting against racism. Fuck, the other day here I actually had a troll claim that I was wrong to call Charles Murray

    He's worried that next people might come after his monument on his Virginia golf course to the "River of Blood" Civil War battle that never happened.

    Why shouldn't Trump want to celebrate the worst traitors in American history? He's trying to destroy the country just like they did, in addition to being as racist as they were.

    If he thinks "ethno-nationalism" - better known as white supremacy - is losers, then why did he spend so many years running the biggest white supremacist hate site on the internet?

    And how about the people who think it's OK to direct every racist comment against Native Americans possible against a US Senator because she once mentioned that she has a small amount of Native ancestry, and claim it's not racist because she's "really" white, not understanding that those comments are racist no matter

    But ah come from five generations of brother-sister marriage, how could them minorities get in there?

    Millennials are consuming so much porn they're changing how it's sold.

    Wouldn't blueberry inflation be more of a fetish among older folks who grew up watching the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

    You've got that backwards!

    What's wrong with a nice pair of pert perky small tits?