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    I just want to know why it seems like 75% of the straight porn these days has to end with the guy(s) jizzing all over the woman's face or chest.

    I guess it's considered safe for work because it's written, not pictorial?

    The eve of destruction?

    Just as long as he doesn't bring the rest of us all down along with his self-destruction.

    Now mention of prog rock reminds me our more recent white supremacist troll, grr.

    Not lately. He's constantly defending Putin and Trump, and insisting that not only was there no collusion between the two but calls anyone who thinks there's something there thanks to the mountains of evidence crazy. He's also a constant defender of his buddy the fascist tool and rapist Julian Assange.

    I always just wonder if he's a knowing tool of the fascist far right, or just an easily manipulated idiot who Putin and Assange have managed to trick into being their tool.

    He's probably the only man over the age of 18 constantly slathered in Axe Body Spray.

    Ha ha!

    How the fuck could anyone think that cutesy bullshit was a good idea for a pseudonym?

    Maybe this idiot, whoever he is, should have tried not being a Nazi in the first place?

    Says the person defending the fucking confederacy who has a long history of posting racist bullshit and insane conspiracy theories, and whose second frequent community is Breitbat; oh the fucking irony. It's just weird how this troll throws in bits from the far left like talk about oligarchy while making far-right

    I'm just surprised to see this idiot taking a break from his usual pushing of insane conspiracy theories straight from Alex Jones to actually see him defending the Confederacy and slavery.

    Bull fucking shit, liar. The Civil War was about slavery, nothing else, it was one of the few wars in history where one side actually was good and one was evil, and no lies about oligarchy to obscure reality will change that fact. Monuments to Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, the two worst traitors in American

    Dumbass, they were protesting against removing a statue of Robert E. Lee, there's no need to interview everyone, they were protesting in favor of white supremacy. And that's before you get to all the confederate and Nazi flags they were waving around.

    No; only the Nazis are committing violence.

    Holy fucking shit. No, sentimentality for the actual leaders of the Confederacy is super-racist, full stop, lying idiot - and you're actually trying to claim "white pride" isn't racist? Not that we didn't know you're a white supremacist playing at JAQing off here, but that really proves it.

    At least it's not like the only portion of the GOP platform that Trump insisted on changing was to get rid of a portion condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine or anything.

    There's also a difference when one side throws punches after they've been punched - it's idiotic to blame people for violence when they're fighting back.

    No it's not, liar.