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    And it turned out that the GOP didn't hate the "evil empire" for their brutal suppression of human rights and torture and murder of dissidents, because they're just fine with Russia being ruled by a different dictatorial regime that is equally evil as the Soviets but Christian and capitalist.

    Then you could have just not read it, instead of just giving infecting with the fucking tedious "wah wah this is politics not pop culture wah wah the AV Club should never report anything I don't want to see wah wah how dare they not cater exclusively to my interests wah wah I'm as stupid baby" bullshit that we see

    No, there were no communists there.

    Oh, the irony if this constant liar talking about "an intellectually honest manner".

    He'll say no, though he's made it pretty clear the answer is yes.

    Liar, there were a whole bunch of them behind the Charlotte riot.

    It's true; you're just lying.

    How the fuck is that a stretch? They're protesting removing the worst traitors in American history, the ones who committed treason in defense of slavery. These are scum like Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, anti-American pro-slavery monsters who belong among history's most reviled figures, right there with Hitler

    I'm excited for the chance to use the 'inappropriate profile' flagging option!

    Nobody committed violence against the Nazis - they were committing violence against the counter-protesters.

    Everyone protesting was a white supremacist. They're the lowest pieces of shit in the country. To say "some of those white supremacists weren't actual Nazis" is a pretty fucking week defense.

    Then why do you keep defending them?

    They're trying to preserve statues to fucking Confederate leaders - everyone in favor of that is a white supremacist, along with anti-American.

    The communist side, really. Even though there are no communists today, Grandpa.

    Fuck off, Nazi with a homophobic handle. There was violence from one side only.

    It makes you someone willing to overlook you client being a white supremacist for profit, though - that is if he actually pays you, which he has a habit of not doing.

    That's shocking, it's not like the Russia known for backing white supremacists in America running for President or anything.

    No, Benedict's treason was extremely minor compared to the Confederates.

    It would be nice, but I'll have to see it before I believe it. I expect more strongly-worded condemnations, followed by absolutely no practical action.

    There's a group of those giant assholes in Oakland who show up to any protest there or Berkley; and of course they give the right-wing media an excuse to say, "liberal protesters are violent!" even though they're neither liberal nor protesters, just vandals who hijack protest as an excuse to smash shit.