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    Considering that voting for Nader in 2000 gave us the invasion of Iraq, warrantless wiretapping, torture, turning surpluses into deficits, and letting New Orleans drown, third party "leftists" damn well should have known better before repeating history just a short time later and helping elect an actual white

    I certainly hope that's right.

    We've had Gopher from The Love Boat, Cher's ex and the lead singer of Orleans before.

    100 years? It's looking like we'll be lucky to be around for another 100 days.

    Sadly, there's a lot of really misogynist white women - see Phyllis Schlaffley, Anne Coulter, Camille Paglia, Sarah Palin, Christina Hoff Summers, Megyn Kelly, the list goes ever on and on…

    That asshole pretty much started everything wrong with the modern Republican Party that has culminated in Trump. Even Nixon's Southern strategy of using code words to appeal to the white supremacists leaving the Democratic Party after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was borrowed from Ronnie's run for California governor.

    That's not how that works. The fact is, considering that men and women are equal, that our brains work the same, there is no explanation for discrepancies in any field other than discrimination, just as there is no explanation for racial disparities in any field other than discrimination.

    "Do you think men and woman have the same interests and skills? On average?"

    I like science, unlike anti-science dogmatics like you who keep defending that psychotically misogynist numbnuts' anti-scientific bullshit.

    I'm guessing Will_I_Tell must be a man, because men always get so emotional like that, they're just incapable of thinking logically and rationally; they can't help it, the poor dears.

    Statistically different outcomes are proof of differential treatment; there is no way to get unequal outcomes other than discrimination. You need to prove disparate impact in a court of law when suing for discrimination - that does not apply to our own social judgements, where if a workplace is not approximately

    At least it had some absolutely amazing art by Frank Quitely; shame the story was such a piece of shit.

    It was only a few years ago that network sitcoms included 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and Community, all brilliant shows. Now on that level is The Good Place, and that's about it; Brooklyn Nine-Nine is pretty damn good but not quite on that level.

    Since I haven't watched new Simpsons in over a decade: is that real or a joke? Because if they went back to the well of parodying Pulp Fiction after already doing so brilliantly in "22 Short Films about Springfield", that would be pathetic.

    And now I see the troll is expanding the false claim that her evil ex, Eron Gjoni, made that she slept with a reviewer in exchange for good reviews - a claim that he later admitted was false, along with his claims that she cheated on him when in fact she had moved on after dumping his creepy pathetic ass - and

    Hey, if you want wild bears eating your children and scaring away your salmon, that's your business, but I'm not gonna take it! Who's with me? We're here! We're queer! We don't want any more bears!

    And remember, the whole thing started because Quinn's ex decided to ask 4Chan to harass her as revenge for dumping his sorry ass. She didn't even do anything as mild as making videos about how there's a lot of sexism in video games; yet they treat her like she deserved the most horrific harassment and being forced to

    I do wonder what kind of psychological malfuntion it takes to keep cheating your way back into a place that has made it clear you're not welcome where everybody hates you.

    Don't check out the comments under yesterday's article on the anti-diversity march on Google to protest the firing of a super-misogynist dickhead unless you want to be angry; they came out in full force and are still going, it's like the GamerGaters back when they were still a thing.

    At least Walt Disney wasn't notably antisemitic, and none of their early films had ridiculous racist stereotypes, or anything.