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    Groening was an old drunk who made humans out of his rabbit characters to pay off his gambling debts.

    It's easy money, especially for a show with such consistent quality - basically unless an episode is from season one, or maybe a third of 10-11, it's a guaranteed gem.

    Joined August 11, 2017. Everything they've written today has been sexist, racist and pro-Trump trash, and the style is the same as a persistent troll who keeps getting banned and creating new sockpuppets over and over and over again.

    The show could try and rectify that in the future if the creators didn't decide to stop making it in 2000 after two rocky seasons with many subpar episodes so as to avoid a precipitous decline in quality.

    It's nice to get some bizarre personal attack from some troll I've never seen before. Fucking creepy.

    There are two keys labeled 'Shift' at the lower corners of your keyboard. If you hold them while pressing a letter key, it will cause them to be typed as capitals.

    He claims that cultural differences are somehow biological - a claim actual biologists reject, it is not a fact but in fact a lie, and that belief is the very core of misogyny..

    There's no self-upvoting though.

    They should have at least had him become a giant turtle at some point.

    Yeah, that cartoon was super recent, it even aired while I was in law school, and I started old!

    But that left Martian Manhunter available for Supergirl, which has done a great job with him.

    Maybe they can hire Mark Millar, and they can do a screen version of his storyline in The Authority in which Captain America rapes Superman, so later in revenge Batman kills Captain America by raping him with a power drill!

    Ah yes, the part where the troll demands proof, even though they're the troll and don't get to demand it. But I'm feeling generous and so will copy the same sentences I used for a previous lying shit who falsely claimed the rant was somehow not misogynistic, who of course didn't respond:

    Nope, I read the whole hate-filled memo, that's how I know anyone claiming it somehow wasn't misogynist is lying.

    A bunch of whiny little white supremacists cancelling talks in the face of peaceful protests is not actually censorship.

    And considering what a failure that movie was, thanks to the Justice League cartoon Stewart is probably still more familiar to non-comics readers, at least aside from people like me who are old enough to remember Super Friends.

    But Coulson got better; counting him would be like counting either of Buffy's deaths.

    He's nowhere near in the category of Lost or 24.

    Well it worked for Suicide Squad, that wasn't a poorly edited tonal clusterfuck!

    Or hell, try using the John Stewart Green Lantern instead of Hal Boredom.