We still have The Winds of Winter to get to, who knows when A Dream of Spring might come.
We still have The Winds of Winter to get to, who knows when A Dream of Spring might come.
Why can't we push up the sun's expansion five or six billion years to get to the red giant phase where it engulfs Earth and end the suffering?
How are Trump's aides supposed to find flattering pictures of him in the media? The man is as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside, there's not a picture of him from the past 25 years in which he doesn't look absolutely hideous and gross.
But the comments will be unreadable by then!
It's great to be facing a potential serious crisis with the unstable madman governing North Korea while the United States is being governed by an unstable madman. This must really be fun for the people of Seoul. Wheeee!
The "jury of your peers" requirement comes from the 6th Amendment and governs defendants criminal trials; this is a civil trial, and since there's a counter-suit the parties are both defendants and plaintiffs, and so is governed by the 7th Amendment, which just states, "In Suits at common law, where the value in…
A lot of people been to all the finest schools, all right, Miss Lobely, but you know they only used to get juiced in it.
She turned me into a newt!
Baby Boomers like Rush were horrible ingrates who proved their generation was soft and withdrawn from society because they spent all their time watching TV instead of whatever leisure activities their parents pursued when they were kids.
Next, they'll make fun of the Star Wars prequels, which no one has ever done before!
Bram Stoker's Dracula is a modern classic? Huh? Sure, Coppola has directed a lot of classic films, but his Dracula is no more one of them than Godfather Part III.
I loved Knight Rider at the time too, and was 6 when it started; but nobody watched it for Hasselhoff. The show was all about K.I.T.T., not his dull human sidekick.
Give her another 20 years or so.
She received her health benefits from the ACA, not from 'Obamacare'!
It's definitely not a disqualification for being the Presidential nominee, just as child molesting isn't a disqualification for being made Republican Speaker of the House.
Do the GOP and Fox have a rule that all women working for them must dye their hair blond?
" He also compares it to “shitty dating advice”"
One of Cable's villains was actually named "Commcast", although he became an and changed his name since then.
Like all the other time- and dimension-hopping mutants who are sort of the children of Scott Summers and Jean Grey, he's basically got his mother's powers, only stronger; but they tend to wax and wane depending on the whim of the current writer.
The important thing is, will his feet always remain obscured? And will his giant guns be apparently made of rubber and bend all over the place? And will he keep his origin that requires a flowchart to follow?