Oh good, this will give Netflix even more worthless drivel to promote than their deal with Adam Sandler's Happy Madison Productions - plus coming from the talentless hack Mark Millar, it should give them even more rape scenes played for laughs!
Oh good, this will give Netflix even more worthless drivel to promote than their deal with Adam Sandler's Happy Madison Productions - plus coming from the talentless hack Mark Millar, it should give them even more rape scenes played for laughs!
Yes, I'm serious; women can be just as aggressive as men, and men can be just as nurturing
I'm sorry the idiot conspiracy theorist who upvotes his own comments finds facts and reality to be ridiculous.
I think I got right-wing bigot bingo off just this one comment!
You claim to be a liberal Democrat - then spread the sexist lie that "the idea that women are more nurturing than men, for instance, or that
men are more aggressive than women, is absolutely biologically hardwired". This is complete bullshit, of course, and the very core of misogyny; but it is true that there are a…
Learn the difference between "your" and "you're".
There is no support for any of those claims, liar.
There is no science at all to support the bullshit that sexist shit said. Actual science has proved him wrong. And that hate-filled viewpoint does not deserve respect.
Liar, that was exactly his argument; the whole thing was claiming that stereotypes are real and there are magical natural differences between the way women and men think, the very core of misogyny.
The guy was basically a real life sea lion. No, avoiding curse words does not actually make a hate-filled rant claiming that white men are superior somehow OK.
No troll! No troll! You're the troll!
No, she's awesome and very, very ethical. Unlike the monster who committed treason by conspiring with the former KGB to steal the election - he's the most corrupt President this country has ever had, pushing poor Warren G. Harding to merely second-most corrupt. Imagine how much better things would be today if we had…
Uh, no, idiot, the list of the things that men and women are supposed to like and do differs radically from society to society, that kind of proves that the whole thing is arbitrary and culturally based. Gender roles are created by society; there is nothing at all natural about them.
Why can't stupid spellcheck catch when you misspell a word as a different perfectly cromulent word?
Actual quote: "people are you are why I need the men's rights movement. Your mockery only provides more proof that our cause is just."
No, actually, there is no evidence; Hillary Clinton is a very honest and ethical public servant who has faced twenty-five years of constant unfair attacks where the far right has constantly made up phony scandals to accuse her of, and the right-wing mainstream media just continually reprinted them as if they were…
Oh dearie, you are, but you still stubbornly refuse to listen to the reality we're trying to knock into your petulant thick skull and instead just keep throwing a tantrum and proving to be an angry entitled toddler.
There's a reason that, whenever the right-wing trots out a supposed scientist to support climate denialism or even creationism, the vast majority of the time they turn out to not actually be a scientist, but either an engineer or a medical doctor.
I read the whole thing. This guy hates women and other races and sexual orientations. He keeps whining about imaginary "PC culture" and yelling that the company shouldn't care about diversity.
I like how one of the most persistent bigoted trolls on the AV Club - whose main thing seems to be constantly whining about how much he wants to use the N-word and claiming it's so unfair to call white people racist for using that super-racist slut - calls someone fighting his bullshit a troll.