He's supporting discriminating on gender, race, religion and sexuality.
He's supporting discriminating on gender, race, religion and sexuality.
Of course men are kept out of the nursing field! It's a field that is labeled "women's work", and which like all such fields is severely underpaid - men are actively discouraged from working in nursing. And the fact that there is a discrepancy proves this - if men weren't discouraged from nursing, then it would be…
All he did was promote his own subjective opinions and reject facts.
Hell, if it race was scientific, then how is it the Irish, Italians and Jewish people used to be non-white in America, but became white later - with Jewish people having been pushed back to not being white just this past year following the rise of the racist Donald?
The idea that no one should "yell" about racism and sexism and whatnot is stupid; really, when someone is sexist, we fucking well should call them out in it. Why the fuck should we never ever call people racist or sexist, no matter how ridiculously racist or sexist they are?
Lack of diversity IS due solely to sexism and racism, that is a very simple fact. And "evolutionary" "psychology" is complete bullshit that's constantly used to justify discrimination.
No, when something is based on ridiculous gender stereotypes that are actually complete bullshit that's not reality based at all, in fact it's the opposite. A fact is something that is true; not something idiots insist on believing because it supports their worldview even though it's been proven false.
It's not even a soft science; the field is rejected by both actual evolutionary biologists and psychologists both. The whole thing is making up just-so stories about cavemen to justify traditional gender and racial stereotypes.
It seems to be a continuation of the complete bullshit where so many sexist douchebags love to very angrily declare that they are super-logical Vulcans who feel no emotions, while feminists are all super-emotional and therefore somehow inferior.
Yeah, I read the whole thing too, and it angers me that people are upset over such a worthless pile of trash! Why shouldn't anyone get indignant about a memo filled with sexist lies trying to justify discrimination by claiming it doesn't exist, arguing that women are just naturally inferior to men? The author is so…
Man, this makes me so disappointed that I had to block that creep when he started acting obsessive and stalker-y towards me and so I can't read whatever worthless trash he's spewing over this thread. Is he going off on how no one over the age of like 25 should be allowed to use the internet again?
I am so shocked to see that this troll's profile shows them to be not just misogynist, but also racist and antisemitic, with such gems as "I agree, we should stop hiring women", "Well we can't all be [N-words] Goldsteinberg" - and he actually wrote that word, "Now, admittedly, my boundary was when feminazis invaded…
No, actually, stereotypes and scientific facts are in reality very different things.
But von Mises and Hayek are hacks who promoted an economic ideology that actual history has proven to be completely wrong, what they wrote is completely worthless.
So I just imagined all that ranting about how college students shouldn't be allowed to protest speeches by the white supremacist pro-censorship activist and general piece of shit Milo Yiannopolos?
I actually have been doing just that - it doesn't hurt that their map system works a lot better.
If the app is developed by a woman, you only have to pay her 73 cents instead!
Actually, it's about ethics in internal memo journalism.
No, libertarians oppose actual human freedom, it's an authoritarian ideology that constantly misuses the word "freedom", while they agitate for allowing rich white straight men to control the lives of everyone else.
It's become a talking point on the far right for several years now, ever since Obama mentioned Sonia Sotomayor's empathy as one of the reasons he nominated her for the Supreme Court. So yes, that's how evil modern conservatives are, they actually oppose empathy and basic human decency.