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    Let's see, this one's top frequent place is something called trumptrainnews, which seems to be a fan site for the congenital liar desecrating the White House; and next is one called libertyheadlines which must be ironic as it appears to be a conservative authoritarian anti-freedom site. That certainly makes this

    But that's not being fair to Breitbart, or to Stormfront, or to such Reddit sub-sites as theDonald, pol and theredpill, or to A Voice for Men, or to OAN News Network, or Glenn Beck's The Blaze, or Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller, or….

    But who doesn't want to see naked pictures of a greasy slightly overweight rage-filled middle-aged dude?

    Him and Andrew Breitbart, who Obama had killed and just made it look like natural causes; because obviously it's unheard of for a man in his early 40s in poor shape who appears to be both an alcoholic and cocaine addict with serious anger management issues to have a heart attack while stumbling home drunk.

    Of course that didn't stop a number of racist conservatives - including Dinesh! - from calling him an angry black man, despite his constant even temper.

    D'Souza was the victim, persecuted just because Obama was mad at him! It's not like he flagrantly violated the law in an incredibly stupid way that virtually guaranteed he'd get caught or anything. Though I do wonder why Barack never sent of his other really annoying dickheaded critics to jail, but only wasted that

    The Misfits' songs were better.

    Don't worry, Donald will probably pardon him and name him his next two-week chief of staff.

    It certainly worked out well when Next Generation decided to explain why almost all intelligent life in the galaxy looked just like humans with makeup; and by worked out well I mean was ridiculous and made no fucking sense at all.

    Really, it's because the movies and later shows had a better makeup budget is all the explanation we need.

    Oh good, because providing detailed explanations for things that didn't require them worked out so well when Enterprise decided to explain why the original series Klingons looked just like human Asian stereotypes - or when The Phantom Menace gave us midichlorians.

    In fact, didn't Parks and Rec start off planned as an Office spinoff staring Karen Filippelli, before it ended up becoming something completely different with Rashida Jones playing a new character instead?

    But who doesn't want to see more of The Single Guy or see Caroline in the City's love triangle resolved? Besides everyone, since those shows were only popular because they were between Friends and Seinfeld, and Seinfeld and ER.

    It's time to digitally insert Jerry Seinfeld into all their new shows!

    I've been assuming they're just too stupid to know how to write ellipses (and what they're for), but who knows? They're constantly coming up with new asinine jargon and misuse of punctuation, too much to keep up with all of them.

    Luckily for them, he's only got four months to go.

    Christie caved and signed the budget very quickly after he realized how much bad press he was getting.

    Who is buying for Donald now that The Mooch is gone, anyway?

    Poor Jersey, they have to deal with eight years of Christie, Hurricane Sandy, and now this.

    I think that was pretty much the exact text, except without the "OMG".