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    Eight years later, they found someone even dumber and less qualified, and actually put him at the top of the ticket instead of tucked away at VP, so no.

    Including Krauthammer is just mean; but then he is a truly mean-spirited dickhead, so I'll allow it.

    Mama June lost a lot of weight? Hey, I know that from ads that were somewhat recently all over the AV Club, along with other internet sites, despite neither knowing nor caring who the fuck she is! So she's got something to do with that laugh at the poor people show?

    Or got the getting caught bus rolling, at least.

    It's Dancing With the "Stars", not Hiding in the Bushes With the "Stars"!

    Don't worry, ABC will continue constantly inviting disgraced conservative politicians and media figures on this show while never inviting one single liberal.

    The troll wins because he declares himself the winner! That makes sense. You can't refute a word that non-morons write, so you just say "I win and we're done!" rather than dig that hole even further. Thanks for giving up and admitting you can't handle facts that point out how dumb your arguments are!

    Ellipses are made out of periods, not commas, moron, and need spaces before and after them. A proper ellipses looks like … this.

    Now that's some ridiculous lying! Nope, the Great Society was a great success. And I see we get to the racist conspiracy theory that Obama is somehow secretly a Muslim - which, besides being stupid and wrong, also implies that somehow there is something wrong with being Muslim, which is insane, I certainly hope we

    You claim you love America - but you're supporting Donald Trump. If you support Trump, if you support fascism and white supremacy, then you hate America.

    Nope, all it does is immediately indicate that you are an idiot who has no idea how to write properly. Get a brain, moran!

    Calling Obama "boy", fuck this troll isn't even trying to hide his racism! And every single thing he said is wrong. Plus what the fuck is "the ME" supposed to mean?

    One comma, followed by a space, how hard is that to understand? And do you know that only completely worthless morons use "snowflake" as an insult? Then there's the use of "deplorable" in the handle, announcing, "I'm a racist shit and proud of it!"

    Why does he use "quotation marks" for "emphasis" and Capitalize random Words? Because Donnie donut no how two right good.

    He ran the business he inherited from Daddy into the ground, going bankrupt six times, the crook was broke before he started blatantly illegally abusing his office to profit himself.

    English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

    Nice work making stupid nicknames for the greatest President America had in the past 50 years and his wife, people with true class unlike the pile of trash currently besmirching the White House. And no, Obama actually loved America and helped it, but you actually support Donald Trump, proving that you hate America

    I'd guess 210 pounds comes from a checkup he had in 1987.

    Multiple Popes? Do they think we're living in the late 14th and early 15th centuries?

    Rarity is basically White Privilege Pony. She's probably snorting a ton of Coltcaine off-screen.