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    But he's the most healthiest President ever, according to a tiny letter written by his insane gastroenterologist in less than five minutes.

    What are the chances that he's really going on vacation, versus just staying on one of his own golf courses, since Donald apparently hates staying anywhere that he doesn't own?

    Maybe this time he can discuss national security in the restaurant at Mar-A-Lago in front of all the other customers again!

    You see, vacations (like golf) are nice things that only white people should be allowed to have; by going on vacation to far away locales, Obama and his family proved themselves to be uppity (oh wait that makes it too obvious) uh, arrogant and elitist.

    Of course the golfing press is going to have a liberal bias and hate Trump; we all know golf is a sport beloved by immigrants, hippies, poor black people, college students, single mothers, cosmopolitan coastal elites (in other words, Jews) and other left-wing riff-raff, which has a long history of excluding rich white

    I fixed that after like a minute; stupid Disqus! But he does like to play gold as well, yeah.

    Wait, Donald Trump likes to play golf? Constantly, and spends much more time doing it than actually governing, because he's a lazy ass who has never actually worked a day in his life? Then it's a good thing he never attacked Barack Obama for allegedly playing too much golf, when he did it much less often than Donald

    How will The Mooch afford his daily mountains of cocaine now?

    Especially when the man whose corpse the Republican Party constantly fellates is famous for secretly selling weapons to Iran in order to fund death squads in Central America. Shouldn't they love his good buddies?

    And that the guy he was brought in to fire was actually his boss.

    Bull fucking shit. You do know that race is a social construct, and what is and what is not a race changes constantly, don't you? That's how, for example, the Irish and Italians were not white in the 19th and early 20th Centuries, but are now; and the same had happened with Jewish people, but now in the day of Trump

    Good job giving this asshole a platform, CNN. But then, this is right with their hiring of other disgraced former Trump aides, and of course their blatant bias against Clinton in the election. CNN, it doesn't matter how blatantly you pander to the far right, they'll still lie and accuse you of having a liberal bias

    Bull fucking shit. Muslims are constantly the victims of racism today; therefore, Islam is currently a race in America, and Islamaphobia is form of racism.

    But Anita Sarkeesian is famous for being the victim of the world's biggest pieces of shit, and her work is great.

    Oh, it was; that was one of the few things I remembered about the show, along with the motorcycle that became a helicopter and the jeep that became a small boat, because I had those toys.

    But this time, we're finally giving the fans Shockwave! And doing nothing with him. Now though you finally get Grimlock! And he does nothing important either.

    Ice to see you.

    I found that all of M.A.S.K. is on youtube and watched the first few episodes recently; having almost completely forgotten it, unlike the original Transformers and GI Joe cartoons, I was surprised to find that it was much worse in quality than either of those two, with almost every plot centered around an annoying kid

    It turned out to be less than meets the eye.

    If you're going to create a writers' room for Transformers, why not exclude Akiva Goldsman, the writer of what is not just the worst comic book movie, but the worst actual studio movie made by professionals (excluding amateur trash like The Room and Manos) ever made? And here's an idea; why not invite Simon Furman,