Bored now.
Bored now.
Now that one is a complete non-sequitur which makes no sense at all, although I guess by containing actual words it's still not as ridiculous as that "bvc".
They say, "Libby, you're a fine girl, what a good wife you would be; but my life, my love, my lady, is the sea."
These idiots should understand that normal people don't understand all of their stupid jargon, so they just make themselves incomprehensible.
Lose by getting three million more votes, remember!
It's also not a lie if it's completely true! Are you actually such a knee-jerk defender of racism that you're claiming that it's wrong to call Donald Trump racist? That's basically denying that anyone is racist; you might as well claim that David Duke isn't racist, or that Hitler wasn't antisemitic.
Well in a country in which 60,000,000 people voted for a neo-Nazi for President, and proved that they would have voted for Hitler in 1932 Germany, it is.
Trump does have one underlying political ideology; it's just white supremacy, which isn't exactly substantive.
And it's an account created just a week ago, so you know they've already en kicked out and told to never come back.
Now it's just typing random letters, not even trying to make sense.
Yeah, sorry, no matter how much transparent bullshit you keep peddling to push the idiotic idea that no one should ever call racists racist doesn't make it any less stupid or non-sensible.
It's the incredibly stupid meme created by the Breitbarters and other bigots; as a continuation of their constant insistence that no one should ever call anyone racist, no matter how racist that person is acting, they decided to start screeching "Trump won because innocent racists were angry for being called racist;…
phinkist: a cheating banned troll who, like Trump, combines incredible stupidity with falsely believing he's smart, and keeps thinking he's winning arguments with liberals as he keeps digging that hole deeper and deeper.
That seems to describe most of the actions of this administration; it's filled with morons who think they're really smart, staring with the idiot-in-chief, and they assume that everyone is is dumber than they are even though the average housecat is actually smarter. Thus, we get how poorly they've conducted their…
I don't work for the KGB; seriously, that makes no sense whatsoever.
Yeah, no, that makes no sense at all whatsoever. That didn't even try to have a point.
Nope, you rancid pile of Santorum, that bill The Racist unveiled last winter is not going to pass, just like none of his unconstitutional authoritarian shit he's going for will, because being the dumbest man on Earth with no political experience he is completely incapable of getting things done. Meanwhile, the US is…
Moron, the bigots in this article were not being sexist and transphobic at the time, while they were being racist and xenophobic; no one would ever call someone sexist unless they're actually being sexist. But hey, nice to see that one of our worst racist trolls is here to defend actual Nazis, and call immigrants…
Hopefully the administration's work to antagonize the mainstream GOP will piss off Congress enough to start doing their jobs and start investigating all of Trump and company's many, many crimes.
It's not like Adams was behind a treaty that stated, "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and as the said States never entered into any war or act…