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    They do it themselves; the broad MRA hate movement is divided into an alphabet soup of different subgroups - the PUAs, the MGTOWs, the incels, the GamerGaters, the Sad Puppies, and many more - each with their own focus and mythology, which engage in constant in-fighting along the level of the People's Front of Judea

    And they keep loudly insisting that women are going to be so sorry that they, being creeps who obsessively hate all women for their personal problems, refuse to date, instead of being relived.

    Self-centered assholes like him (and Donnie) are usually the same types of douchebags who refuse to go down on a woman.

    It is literally the least you can do, since it's the exact same thing as doing nothing at all.

    I wonder if he finally got banned? I've noticed a lot less "this user is blocked" comments than I used to see, which makes me think that many of the persistent AV Club trolls have been kicked out.

    I hate Hungary Nazis.

    We're not seeing the usual attack of pro-Trump trolls today, I've noticed. Are they tired of all the winning?

    How can we trust someone to be President when she had a legal private email server that the press was convinced she was doing something vaguely bad with?

    Of course Donald could nominate David Duke and the Senate Republicans would confirm him.

    Maybe it can come back from summer hiatus with Melania announcing that Donald died in a car accident, and Sandy Duncan will join to take over his role.

    Plus what the fuck were they thinking with the incest plotline between the President and his daughter?

    He's also the most racist, which is saying a lot with this administration, being an actual neo-Nazi.

    It's certainly my hope that Disloyal Donnie can piss off the rest of the Republican Party enough that congress will actually start doing its' fucking job and actual investigate all the many crimes he's been committing since he took office, as well as those he committed with his business. This is the most corrupt

    Also hiring a communications director who seems to think he outranks the chief of staff doesn't seem like a great idea.

    I'm sure MSNBC would ignore the giant ratings Rachael Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell are getting and offer him his own show.

    Plus considering how he spends every waking moment drunk he probably hasn't been able to get it up for decades.

    He demands absolute loyalty, yet has absolutely none of it himself. He's got to be the world's worst boss.

    Anyone who Donald is considering hiring should know that a top level post in this administration is likely to last at most six or seven months; he turns on everybody except for Ivanka eventually.

    Scarmucci looks and talks like he just came out of central casting for an New York Italian-American stereotype.

    He sold the company? He didn't learn from his new boss and the GOP-controlled that it's now apparently perfectly OK for administration officials to illegally continue running for-profit companies and abuse their office to enrich those companies?