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    Maybe pickle attends home skool?

    Could there have been a longer word that contained the letters that spell out a slur within it? Because Disqus is sometimes bad with that.

    The man the Predisent is the lackey of, on the other hand, has been constantly carrying them out for years.

    Have you heard what the NRA has been saying lately? It's been basically, "Black Lives Matter wants to kill all white people and is going to come kill you so you need to buy more guns!" They're outright encouraging actual terrorist hate crimes.

    That's an actual inappropriate profile right there, but the creep is too cowardly to post here with that account. I wonder what the chances are that the same person has the phinkist account, and he's just upvoting himself?

    Whoever wrote that was so stupid they think a kid today would hand write a letter in pen rather than using a tablet or phone.

    It would be nice if that's the start of Witherspoon going back to working on interesting, strange projects like she did in the 90s, before she shifted to just starring in formulaic romantic comedies.

    It was obvious the dude had been snorting coke, yet the media just completely ignored it.

    And the corporate mainstream media would just call them "controversial".

    Fuck, Trump could nominate Charles Manson as the new AG and the Senate would confirm him 50-50 with Pence breaking the tie.

    Joined Jul 26, 2017. So which rightfully banned troll cheating by creating a new account is this asshole?

    Yeah, but he's a liberal Democrat, so the media was ready to crucify him for the slightest misstep; if you're Republican though you can get away with anything and our media will just treat it as just a minor little mistake, even admitting to committing serial sexual assault.

    The same thing Bill Clinton was impeached for; being a Democrat.

    Trump is saying he now wants the Justice Department to indict Clinton, even though she hasn't broken any laws; it's full Banana Republic here.

    He's having trouble though; look at how his lawyers defending against the Russian investigation are all real estate attorneys with no relevant experience because every reputable Washington law firm refused to work for him, thanks to his long history of not paying his lawyers and because he's completely uncontrollable

    Sadly, yes; those folks were evil, but they at least had some basic competence. Donald's gang combine evil with simply amazing unbelievable stupidity; yet they all think they're geniuses.

    I'm sure John McCain will give an impassioned speech against it while doing nothing, just like how he give a big speech against the "skinny" health insurance theft bill in which he said he will vote for it today.

    Just like Donnie during the debates.

    Yes, but the news can't use them because none of them are allowed on network TV.

    It's weird, because Sessions is a horrible white supremacist and drug warrior pushing awful policy as AG, and yet he may be the only think preventing Trump from completely obstructing justice to prevent investigation of all his many crimes. And the anger is all because he recused himself when legally required to do