I love the people who fly the American flag along with the flag of treason in defense of slavery. Um, your American flag doesn't actually cancel out your flying of the flag that indicates that you hate America.
I love the people who fly the American flag along with the flag of treason in defense of slavery. Um, your American flag doesn't actually cancel out your flying of the flag that indicates that you hate America.
Nah, there was still some good stuff during the 11th season. Season 12, however, had exactly one good episode, and had the last straw when Homer was raped by a panda bear and that was supposed to somehow be funny, and should never have ever happened, along with everything after that one.
Kid Rock was on the Simpsons? What the fuck?
I'm fucking tired of people like Kid Rock and the "Blue-Collar" comedy tour morons trying to usurp the word Blue Collar and make it into a synonym for redneck. Guess what, most blue collar people in the US live in cities and are not white. If you're using "blue collar" for white people who live in tiny towns where…
It didn't help that movie that Nielsen's sidekick murdered his ex-wife after the movie was filmed but before it was released, leading to the studio basically burying it.
Bing's actually useful now that google has been censoring nude pictures even with safesearch turned off.
Post-comedy? Um, actually, this show is funny, unlike American Dad, enough that it's worth watching the last 30 seconds of a piece of shit by Seth McFarland that the DVR always captures.
"You haven't come up with one meaningful thought."
What is sure is the alarmingly high suicide rate in a group of people constantly demonized by pure evil bigots like you would drop if you stopped your hatred. Fuck, I can't believe that you are so despicable as to bring up suicide rates when that is entirely due to the hatred of trans people you are encouraging,…
That is not at all what assisted suicide is about, but what a surprise that Genuine Fantasist shows there is yet another thing that he is completely willfully ignorant about, proving again that he is almost the dumbest man in the world, second only to Donald fucking Trump.
Ugh, the tabloids; and I thought it was bad that my mom subscribed to People and regularly watched Fox "News". Well actually the latter may be worse than the tabloids.
He's never heard of them? My mom watches that show religiously, and even I have no idea who 3/4 of the contestants are usually when she tells me who they are and won't take "I don't care" for an answer.
I thought they already chose Sarah Huckabee-Sanders for that role.
But the child molestation covering-up pope is actually still alive and available to dance on the show!
Every time there's a disgraced or embarrassed right-wing political figure, it seems, Disney wants them for their dancing show; meanwhile they've never had a single liberal politician or pundit on.
Not just him - after Flynn and Comey already gone, Trump trying to push Sessions into resigned, and heavy rumors Tillerson is planning on leaving, this administration is headed to have more turnover in its first year than most have in a full term.
Except that there's no such thing as god or souls, and we certainly shouldn't be basing policy on fantasy concepts like that.
Ah, using the misogynist slur "hysterical", how telling. And yes, I notice the exception - and that it doesn't include the exception for anyone whose mental self-image doesn't match their outward apparent gender, which is necessary. You don't include it because you are a bigot.
Nope! There was absolutely no strawman at all in what I said. Also, you did not except the person who has a real biological case because all trans people do - you ignore those whose mental self-image differs from their outward appearance, moron. That is just as real as a chromosomal issue, the brain is a physical…
That's not what a bigot is, moron, though that fallacy is very common among right-wing bigots who think they can play "gotcha!" games with "being intolerant of white supremacists, misogynist, homophobes and transphobes makes you the real bigot!". That argument is just as stupid here as from the 43,563,675 other times…