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    Bill Clinton protested against the Vietnam war; he gets excused for refusing to go murder the Vietnamese in that huge clusterfuck that should never happened. Little Donnie actually supported the war - which right there makes him unqualified to be President, but that's just the second of oh so many ways (after his

    Yes, you are an asshole, a giant one, an evil hate-filled bigot and total shithead. Go the fuck away from the AV Club and never return.

    That's not what a strawman is at all; learn what words mean before you use them. And continue denying the humanity of trans people! If someone wants to be called a woman, then they are a woman; and to insist that they are a guy makes you the worst form of bigot. But then your history shows you to be a giant

    That is not a concern with any conscientious people, those are conscience-less people. If you think trans is not a normal category, you are a bigot; conscientious people recognize that trans people are just like the rest of us and perfectly normal, and don't hate people just because they're different from us.

    Um, if a person's outward apparent sex matches their mental self-image, then there's no need to do anything; when they don't match, we go with what that person wants. That's pretty fucking simple. People have the right to control their own bodies, and you finding trans people to be icky doesn't allow you to dictate

    Yes, plenty of definitions - and they don't always match. That's my point. And you're also forgetting a crucial one, a person's mental self-image.

    You need to change your handle, because someone spouting hate-filled lies is not a realist at all. Guess what, sex is not actually binary for everyone, and gender essentialism is complete bullshit. There isn't even any single definition of "biological male" - what about those with XX chromosomes who are born with a

    I used to believe that to be the case, but then came the hordes of 4Chan, Reddit and the like; those folks seem to revel in being openly evil, and have adopted Nazi symbolism precisely because it's evil, unlike their fellow travelers at places like Breitbart and Return of Kings who have convinced themselves the Nazis

    Although since this troll actually railed against democracy, of all things, they seem to want Trump to turn America into fascist dictatorship. Really, they seemed to be saying all the quiet parts out loud about right-wing ideology.

    Besides families, sex keeps our soldiers distracted; let's go full Unsullied and castrate all our soldiers to keep them focused on the job.

    I was really, really shocked when people started calling her the most famous trans person, saying "wait, isn't Lana Wachowski much more famous?" (This was before Lilly had come out). But apparently no, I'm just a nerd because I find a great writer/director to be more famous than someone who's part of that reality

    So the homophobe is a racist as well? My, I am so, so shocked!

    So did Tim McVeigh.

    2 decades? I think you're forgetting a little war called Vietnam and the breaking of Southeast Asia.

    This troll's history is full of support for Trump. So tell us, as a veteran, why do you hate America and want to see everything good in this country destroyed?

    That seems to come a lot from "straight" folks who think they've chosen their sexuality because they've overcome their urges to have sex with people from their own gender. They don't understand that actually straight folks don't have those urges, and that they are just deeply closeted self-loathing gay people, they

    Like we need a comment from person so misogynist they said they were made physically ill and decided to burn all their Doctor Who merchandise simply because of the long overdue announcement that woman is finally playing The Doctor.

    Do go fuck yourself you evil little small-minded bigot.

    Except that when Trump supporters say it, it's not true.

    Yeah, no one shouldn't care about horrific abuses of power and systematic hatred and discrimination against minorities unless they're directly effected. Oh wait, no; in fact that's only what complete sociopaths do; decent people with empathy care about harm that's done to others, not just ourselves.