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    "Crusty"? What the fuck is even that supposed to mean? Then again, that's no more ridiculous than "salty" which a lot of the dumbest trolls around these parts seem to thing is somehow a cromulent insult instead of one that makes them look insane.

    He had been acting really weird recently, giving bizarre nonsensical ramblings in the Senate, and continually interrupting a fellow Senator on the Judiciary Committee who just happens to be a black & Indian woman. There was some speculation that he may be starting to suffer from dementia, but a brain tumor would

    But Captain America has been a dyed-in-the-wool liberal FDR Democrat since 1940.

    Even just earlier this month, after the discovery of Sally Hemings' old quarters at Montecello, a bunch of news stories referred to her as Thomas Jefferson's "mistress". Um, no, that implies consent, something she, Jefferson's sex slave and repeated rape victim, was not in a position to be able to give.

    It should good writers, skin color be damned - which would naturally lead to a diverse writing staff! Yet instead we always hear that shit from people trying to justify having an all-white writing staff. If the writing staff is all white, then that means the people hiring are discriminating against non-white

    Yeah, no, if people claim they're only focusing on "talent" but then end up with a writers' room that is exclusively made of white men, then that's proof that there's a problem there and they in fact did not care only about talent.

    At least they didn't take the one major gay man in the story who lives past book two (and actually appears in the show) and made his personality basically just "gay", and nothing else!

    We left Mexico after the Mexican-American War? As someone who lives in California, I'm pretty sure we never left half of it.

    Science; real science, not discredited pseudoscience.

    But they proved so deft at handling nuanced characters like Stannis Baratheon and The High Sparrow!

    That sounds exciting, since this alternate history hasn't been done almost as often as the alternate history where the Nazis won World War II, making it extremely played and tiresome, or anything.

    Yes, bigoted moron, and nice to try and twist an article talk about the experience of trans people in support of the disproven ideology of gender essentialism that is used to deny the basic humanity of trans people as well as to justify continued discrimination against women. But that's a non-surprising reach coming

    They seemed more like a nice break from the decades of the Cold War and constant fear of the imminent end of the world and the disaster of Reaganomics, days of peace and prosperity in which it seemed like the world would keep slowly but surely getting better. Before the dark times. Before the W. and the Trumpers.

    Aw, the poor little baby has so much contempt for women to long overdue casting of a Doctor who is not a white man makes him physically ill? How is your misogyny that deeply ingrained? I'll have fun laughing at the image of the poor sexist manchild throwing up at the very idea of a woman Doctor while continuing to

    'Doctor No More' and it makes this dipshit regret the show coming back at all, really? Man, some of these whiny little manchildren are really wedded to gender essentialism so much that they don't care how ridiculous they make themselves look talking about a sci-fi TV show.

    Is gender identity a choice for humans?"

    They've even turned Superman into a psycho who readily commits murder.

    It's so fun when idiots think they can play stupid "gotcha!" games to say "those of you who oppose misogyny are the real sexists!"

    You're completely wrong, actual neuroscience has proven gender essentialism to be false. And that's before you even get tho the fact that gender is not in fact binary for everyone.

    I like how you have that one instant to try and go "liberals are violent!" even though there's just one of them while there have been countless instances of right-wing violence over the past year and a half, including Trump fans beating up peaceful protesters at rallies, death threats reminiscent of GamerGate sent to