Joaquin Moraga

Wow, so many kinds of horrible. Hopefully you don't blame the dog, even if you are still freaked out by them...

I love how this starts with "My family LOVES squirrels" and ends with "My family burned to death a bunch of baby squirrels and then through them out on the porch."

There are hella geese around Lake Merritt in Oakland too and I have walked among them. They seem chill. They still freak me out though when they try to sneak around behind me. I've seen the videos.

LOL I was about to be TL;DR and comment, "You just have thick hair and walk near bird nests!" I am sorry. I was wrong. This is way better anyway.

80 is the worst. My boss moved from Orinda to Pt. Richmond (commutes to SF) to be "closer"??? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? At least most of the cars were likely moving at slug speed, but I am glad to hear people worked together to help this pup out.

Ah, the salad days. PS - This story almost made me throw up my camembert. This will be my nightmare tonight.

Just watched the Firefly episode with her as Saffron yesterday. SAFFRON! YOUR FEMININE WILES ARE BUT AN EARLY INDICATION OF YOUR LATER ACTING ROLES!

How does this help them politically?? This is so strange. It seems like it would alienate voters, although I guess those specific voters would not be the target demographic of the politician?

(S)He's just a hater.

Wait, so... a bat?

Which park was this in? Carlo Rossi jugs remind me of sadness and dull headaches.

One time a hummingbird flew into our house in college. It had a spiral staircase from the living room area into the attic space, through what was essentially a hole in the first floor ceiling. The hummingbird was very confused and frightened and did NOT understand how to escape. We didn't want to give it a heart

"She wasn't getting pregnant fast enough." I am a guy and not into women or having children and this still enrages me. I cannot imagine being made to feel bad about my reproductive abilities, especially if I wanted to have children. What a piece of shit.

Or the bird FACE for that matter. That is like the basis for a whole new horror franchise waiting to happen.

So this show is just about disrobing mancandy-lebrities?

Jalopnik, et tu?

How do you have a baby with someone without ever having been exposed to their internet history?

We need Hamilton to write an article debating the best yogurt for wearing thongs NOW!

POOP STRING! AHHHH! Get this woman on Kinja!

"I JUST HAD A BABY BOUT A WEEK AGOOOOOOO" Oh my god I laughed so hard at that. What the fuck??