J Money BS

Not enough bad things can happen to this woman, not so much for her “rehoming” of a child like he was a puppy she found in a parking lot but for her mercenary use of and collection of children to begin with. She keeps squeezing out or adopting kids because she knows that babies and toddlers are where the “cute”

#4- He’s on a nice farm upstate, where he can run free with the other Spectrum Children.

This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.

Then if you can’t wear a mask when you are required to wear a mask for everyone else’s safety, don’t go outside.

Stay inside.

Here’s the thing, man. My brother and I have Cystic Fibrosis. My brother in particular on lhas about 35% lung function. Which means only a third of his lungs work, the rest is clogged with mucus and permanently damage with scar tissue. He can wear a mask all day, and he. Is. Fine. Yeah, they can make you feel short of

and here I am getting anxious at the idea that I might unknowingly pass the virus to someone who could die from it

Wear them. 

Stop being a moron.

Good grief. 

The guy with the rocket launcher has the smallest penis in the group.

“Squares”? Did you just fly in from 1960?

You sounded like Dirty Harry just then.  

Ferris is very popular, Reid. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he’s a righteous dude.

Do you write these things with the intention of drawing mockery or is that just a a troubling byproduct?

Smart people like you keep the repo man fat and happy. Thank you for supporting the repo man's business.

OK, I read that twice and I still don’t understand the concept of inflation being advantageous on a rapidly depreciating asset like a new car.

Doing it the way I mentioned also starts building a rainy day fund of sorts for the car (or anything else). By the time your manufacturer’s warranty runs out, you’ll have a few thousand in the bank so even if something breaks later in the car’s life, you’ll have plenty to cover it. Likewise, if it gets totaled four

That got a real LOL out of me. 

No, classic example of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.