Damn Ray. When you saw that picture after really advocating for Kaepernick it must have felt like you got stabbed in the back.
Damn Ray. When you saw that picture after really advocating for Kaepernick it must have felt like you got stabbed in the back.
“But he engaged in criminal behaviour. He needs more than “I’m sorry.””
Dude. He had a little too much to drink and went into the wrong condo. Pay a fine and be on his way. I bet you love full prisons
Is that seriously your take on this?
Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a job because he won’t stand.
My favorite was:
The Raiders. It’s all been kid stuff until now. From WYTS 2014, I present my favorite series entry of all time:
Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime
I’m a Christian but I always view televangelists as shysters. Just seems like everyone of them is a con artist. They never to speak to the spirit in me.
When you feel like you are acting on the behalf of God, all your actions are validated. Including being a bastard.
Aaron looks like he was using the dildo in his head shot. It seems big.
Magic criticizing someone else’s television skills in an example of the pot calling the kettle something unintelligible followed by an awkward silence.
He looks like the hippie you’re not supposed to follow to a second location.
If HBO’s Confederate becomes a hit, we’re definitely getting a CBS comedy where Kevin James plays a slave auctioneer who keeps getting distracted from his job by pie.
All this over some stupid statues getting moved.
How quickly you forget the baseball shooting and the BLM shooting of a bunch of Texas cops. Both “sides” are fucking idiots
Being a racist nazi is obviously horrible. The alt-left/Antifa, or whatever they want to call themselves, use violence to shutdown speech while espousing communist ideology. Both groups need to be stopped.
Are you seriously adorably claiming AntiFA (Anti-First Amendment) terrorist group are not fascists? They violently shut down freedom of speech, expression, and thought through violent terrorism. That IS fascism you troglodyte.