
They are anarchists and socialists, so yeah. Both groups are stupid. That in no way gives one stupid group the right to murder another stupid group.

Right up there is black protesters looting minority owned businesses to protest police brutality from police force that’s mostly black. Ignorance has no race.

her ills were entirely self inflicted.

“the media tear down as qualified a candidate for the office of President”

Please. The media ignored Benghazi and completely let her off the hook regarding emails. They did everything possible to justify her using a private email server for government business.

No, he/she doesn’t. His/her arguments are nothing more than the rankest melodramatic nonsense. Trump has never been accused or convicted of sexual assault. His words implied consent. It’s liberals who jumped to rape with no connecting evidence.

Riiight... The media NEVER favors liberals (eye roll). Like publishing inaccurate polls. Like skewing news articles to make Hillary look more favorable. Like refusing to call states for Trump on election night that he was clearly going to win.

Care to provide an opposing viewpoint?

Kinja needs a down vote button. Most of your rant has nothing to do with the story above. Since you brought it up, the media did EVERYTHING it could to make sure a liberal won the White House.

West plans to spend his suspension getting up from the chair he was interviewed in.

Beltre is still a better umpire than Angel Hernandez.

Sammy Dolezal

Sammy Sosa simply refuses to pick a race

Can we start calling the owner’s moustache The Turkish Delight?

More animals in sports, please.

Moises Alou must be pissed. Also, he’s probably upset.

LOL imagine airBnBing and having Hope Solo crash at your place and being terrified that she’d kick the crap out of you for pissing her off, but also trying to hook up with her

At this point I can only assume the lights are gonna go out during round 3 of McGregor/Mayweather, and when they come back on in ten seconds Lavar Ball will be standing in the ring wearing a singlet. THREE MAN DANCE!

My family owns a boarding business and has a non-profit rescue org.