
Yup. I was always someone who disregarded this information because having many apps open was annoying to me. But what I found very quickly was that:

Glad I’m not the only one. I have a couple of scratches on the front of my phone (which I think came, annoyingly, from having my phone in my pocket with my car keyfob, which has a flip-out key. The metal button on the fob is I think the culprit) that look like small smudges. Fortunately, they aren’t visible when the

The small glimmer of hope in me wants to believe this is precisely *because* they haven’t yet announced the next-generation Focus ST, whereas they have announced the Focus Active. But I’m not holding out hope. It would seem that going forward if you want a hot hatch in the US without spending upwards of $35,000 you’ll

TIL. This reminds me of the story (I think it actually may have been a post on Jalopnik) about the guy with the Maserati that was plagued with issues until he got a call from another fellow Jalop(or redditor, or wherever I saw it) who had spent much of his adult life working on Italian cars, who informed said

COTD Material. I laughed.

Indeed. It’s minimization of government to the detriment of the public to pander to the big businesses who benefit from reduced oversight in the name of “toughness.” And, as you said, the movement conservatives drink it in. Because in their mind, government exists to oppress their people, rather than represent and

For every person like your grandmother there are four GOP Lifers who hated DJT right up until the moment he won the nomination, and now spend hours every day sharing Facebook posts that are simple videos of the American flag with “LIKE, COMMENT, AND SHARE IF YOU AGREE THAT DONALD J TRUMP IS DOING A GREAT JOB” in big

Hopefully. No guarantees until they actually announce the next generation version.

Ahhh, I love the smell of elitism in the morning...

They seem to be extremely inconsistent. And they have some products that fill a niche where it seems nobody else is really working. I have a Kenmore canister vacuum that I use for “deep” cleaning, but it’s a huge pain-in-the-ass to haul out multiple times per week which would be necessary with my dog and my sister’s