
Sorry I missed that you were replying to my non-edited post. Please forgive the reply. :)

So we're agreeing on the same things. We're focusing on two different portions of the statement.

I think I get what you're trying to say. All I can say is, I don't believe that a decision must or even should have a single motive. Ethical choices are still ethical — even if you make money at it.

What I'm trying to say is more nuanced than that.

I wasn't able to talk to them nearly as much as I would have liked. My grandfather passed when I was around 8 years old. He was the one who most staunchly refused to talk about it. The only time he ever talked about it in front of my mother was when he met my parents' next door neighbor who was also a WWI vet.

Fair enough. To clarify though, I wasn't intending "long term advantage" to exclusively refer to financial dealings. For many small businesses that I have come into contact with, ethics was a defining competitive advantage for them.

I think the difference in opinion is in the words: long term advantage

My grandfather (WWI,Shipyards in WWII) and many of my uncles (WWII) were similar. Didn't want to and often flat out refused to talk about it.

From a business pov: The only one I got is that qualified employees generally represent a higher fixed cost (i.e. won't touch the job without enough pay) and accountants hate that. Of course unqualified employees generally represent a far higher variable cost (i.e. they screw up more). I'm not an accountant so I

In more sane implementations, that "control panel" is a read only copy of the actual control panel so that managers can see how the facility is running at any given time.

Also a native of the state... Michelin probably accounts for most of it, though you still have families with French Canadian / Cajun roots that may also influence it. And I'm not even sure how you would categorize Gullah, it's close enough to French that it may get lumped in by some folks who don't know better.

This. Which is why I think that the push on center right over the airbag horns should be scrapped and replaced with thumbswitch push button horns so I can do both for the freaking idiots that got their drivers license by turning in cereal box tops.

Prior to a lot of research on dyslexia, individual people often came up with their own scheme to cope and stay productive. (Heck, afaik they still do in areas like where I grew up with piss poor resources, but that's a different rant.)

Unfortunately, industry-wide you are entirely correct. #1 injury is to the hands. Thankfully I work for a company with one of the best safety records (in any industry, not just textiles). But it's still only takes one time of thinking "oh I can get that and not stop off" and boom, you're in rehab for months getting

I worked a few summers at a cement plant that burnt tires. It's actually an amazingly clean way to get rid of them. Sent a car tire into the kiln on average every 35 seconds (larger tires are spaced out further). The only thing left at the end was the steel belts. And the plant still meets it's epa emission

Oddly enough, I live about an hour east of there.... roads aren't designed any better here either.