
Hey Mike, nice video, I always enjoy your videos and you have an amazing voice. Just wanted to add a few things to your video. The tequila with a worm in it is not tequila, it’s mezcal, it comes from the same family of the blue agave but the process is different of creation is different and so is the taste. Mezcal has

It is a nice scheme for a game but I would love if they released the physical copy and get the episodes as they come out. I can’t wait to play this game but I am still waiting for a physical release.

Pebble got me hooked, mostly because as I mentioned before I tend to miss calls and texts. All I wanted when the smartwatch phenomenon started to rise was the ability to receive notifications, custom watchfaces and a nice clean design. If you ever get a Pebble you will be very satisfied, can’t speak of other models

No Magsafe? one of the best features of Macbooks is gone...

I think Pebble made the right product in that market, it is a watch that has some smart functions but not enough to keep you staring at your wrist. I got the Pebble Time Round and I’m impressed how satisfied I am with my purchase. The always on screen is amazing and battery life is great.

While I agree with most of your points I want to share my personal experience. First of all I’m not a watch guy, I don’t like watches, as a designer I find that watches seem to be all the same crap design with different price tags. I became interested in the Pebble Time Round because it is made to be a watch with

Being an introvert in a society that “demands” extroverts is complicated. My SO is an extrovert and I struggle to make her understand that I don’t feel emotions for the same things as she does, I don’t like talking to anyone, I don’t like being social but I try to just go with the flow and be a bit social when it’s

Umm no, the only thing that could fit the word “stunning” in this car is the paint color... that’s it. Everything else is just absolutely terrible.

Nothing is better than Rocket League!

Crossover from Projects. Absolutely love the design. Right now it is $145 but when I bought it it was around $85

Crossover from Projects. Absolutely love the design. Right now it is $145 but when I bought it it was around $85

So after various new levels, is this game worth picking up?

Why don’t you just kill yourself. This is by far the most stupid argument I’ve read in a long time. Now we should make everything for women, Ghostbusters for women, Ocean’s Eleven for women... Oh and next we would have a complaint about being “white women”... Kill your-fucking-self

Let's see how this goes, I stopped enjoying COD games since Ghosts and just play zombies. BO3 Zombies were interesting but the complexity of the easer eggs were a huge letdown for me, I like to just shoot zombies on the face and progress based on my own skill not finding pieces and doing lots of things to be able to

People expect a lot from things, most of the time I never look at reviews, never look at trailers or anything similar. My way of buying things is pretty straightforward, I see something, gather just enough info to get me interested and I just test it myself to see if it was good or not. And Spore is one of the games I

It´s in Uranus... sorry, had to do it.

Lower your expectations and your hype for games and just let them come to you and you will be surprised.

Spore was fantastic, I don’t know what people expected from it but I got to play it about a year after release and I thought the concept was great, If they announce a new Spore I’m in!

Nice guide! a bit too late for me hehe, I actually proposed to my SO last friday. What I did was I went to a jewelry workshop and designed the ring myself, as for the diamond I was between two, one was 1 carat but almost perfect and the second was 1.5 carat in a lower-ish category, I went with the 1.5 because really

PS2 and PS4 are by far the best looking. Maybe I would add the NES.

I got the Sierra beta, It is quite good, there’s a bit of a performance boost but I have encountered two issues, the first one is that Safari crashes occasionally, and the second one is that I can’t seem to get an adblocker, all of the popular ones don’t seem to work. Other than that, Siri is ok I never actually use